Easy Exercises To Stay In Shape

Easy Exercises To Stay In Shape

Staying in shape can be a difficult task. Given how our lives can be stressful, the last thing in our minds is exercising. Many people feel that exercise has to be complicated to be effective. However, that is not always the case. Here at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, our chiropractor offers holistic services that not only prevent injuries when exercising but also helps keep you in a healthy state and mind. Below are a few simple exercises that you can include in your daily routine provided by our doctor, Dr. Phillips, to help you stay in shape.

Take a Walk

Taking a morning or evening walk is the easiest way to add a fitness activity to your schedule. Start with a 10-minute stroll around your neighborhood. Over time, increase the pace and length of time. Walking can help strengthen the bones, lower blood pressure, and work your muscles in your legs, arms, and core. Walking is also a mood booster that can help you feel mentally well.

Do Jumping Jacks

The classic exercise you learned in elementary school gym class is still effective today. Jumping jacks are an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health and stamina, work multiple muscle groups, and aids with burning fat. You don’t need to worry about jumping high or doing the exercise at a fast pace. Maintain control over your movement by going slowly and keeping the jumps low.

Try Squats

Squats are an effective exercise because they work your core and leg muscles while also helping to improve coordination and balance. Start by standing with your back straight and your feet and shoulders aligned. Next, bend your knees until you are in a sitting position. Once you have mastered the basic exercise, try holding hand weights to add an arm workout.

Let Dr. Phillips Help You Stay In Shape

At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, we want you to feel fit and healthy every day. Incorporating simple exercises into your daily routine can help you stay in shape between chiropractic appointments. To learn more about how our chiropractor can help you stay in the best shape, or how you can start a daily exercise routine, give us a call today at 210-545-1144.


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