Whiplash FAQs

Whiplash FAQ: What Our San Antonio Active Care Practitioner Wants You to Know

If you've recently experienced a car accident, you may be wondering whether or not you have whiplash. While this condition is common, it can become debilitating if not treated properly. Our active care practitioner at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic in San Antonio is here to give you answers to your questions about whiplash.

What Is Whiplash?

Normally, the head and neck muscles brace before a dangerous impact. Whiplash occurs when the muscles do not have time to brace, and the tissues and joints of the head, neck, and shoulders stretch further than normal.

What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

Symptoms of whiplash vary from person to person and may include fatigue, headaches, migraine, mood changes, soreness of the head and neck, sleeping problems, and more.

When Should I Seek Treatment?

Whiplash is most easily treated before symptoms begin to occur. For most people who experience whiplash, symptoms develop within 24 to 48 hours after the incident that caused the condition. If you've been in an accident that caused your head and/ or neck to move in an unnatural way, it's important that you seek treatment as soon as possible.

What Does Treatment Consist of?

When you have an appointment for whiplash treatment, we'll evaluate your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan that makes sense for you. Many people find relief through spinal adjustment, corrective exercise, and hot and cold therapy. While you may feel relief after your first appointment, it will likely take several appointments for you to get the full effect of your care plan.

Call Our San Antonio Active Care Practitioner

If you think that you may be suffering from whiplash after a car accident, it's essential that you seek treatment as soon as possible. Contact our active care practitioner at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic in San Antonio today at (210) 545-1144. Please mention that you may be dealing with whiplash when you schedule your appointment with our receptionist. We look forward to getting you back to health as soon as possible.


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