Sleep Apnea FAQ

Sleep Apnea FAQ

Are you or a loved one chronically exhausted during the day? It might be sleep apnea, a serious sleeping disorder. At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, we have treatment options that address this sleep disorder. Here’s what you should know about sleep apnea.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder in which a person regularly and briefly stops breathing while asleep. For some, that can occur hundreds of times a night. There are three forms of the disorder. Obstructive sleep apnea is the more common form, happening when the airway is blocked because of the soft tissue at the back of the throat periodically collapses. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain briefly stops automatically signaling your body to breathe. The third form is complex sleep apnea, and it is a mix of obstructive and central sleep apnea.

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous?

When a person stops breathing, even for a brief period, the brain and the rest of the body is robbed of critical oxygen. If it is left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke, depression, and other serious health issues.

What Are The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Those suffering from sleep apnea are not getting a good night’s sleep. You might have this disorder if you wake up groggy, are chronically fatigued during the day, have difficulty focusing, or feel the need to take frequent naps. Also, some people wake up during the night with the knowledge that their breathing was interrupted.

What Are The Treatments for Sleep Apnea?

The first step is to diagnose the condition and determine your form of sleep apnea. You can get tested at home or in a lab. Once sleep apnea is diagnosed, there are various ways of treating the condition. Treatments can range from nutritional counseling if you’re overweight to medical devices that keep the airway open or enable uninterrupted airflow through the night. This last device is known as a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine or CPAP. Chiropractic adjustments to the neck can aid the muscles in the area to promote proper breathing and reduce tension in the neck. Breathing techniques from our chiropractor can help you to bring in more oxygen to your body.

Can Dr. Phillips Treat My Sleep Apnea?

At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness, our focus is on taking an active care approach to sleep apnea treatment. Active care means that our chiropractor will involve you in the course of treatment. We’ll address the issue together, diagnose your condition, discuss your treatment options, and figure out which is the best approach to take in your situation.

Start your treatment by reaching out to Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio today. Call us at 210-545-1144 or schedule your appointment with our chiropractor online. We’ll help you rest easy.


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