Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Yard Work and Gardening Can Cause Pain, But Dr. Phillips Can Help

It is a joy to clean up the yard and plant flowers and vegetables. Creating an outdoor oasis can improve mental health, but these activities are hard work and can take a toll on our bodies. Bending over and performing repetitive motions with lawn equipment can cause muscle pain and stiff backs. This often happens the next morning, making us regret overdoing it. Regular visits with us at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio can help stop pain before it starts. Chiropractic care after pain sets in can also be helpful.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Ease Muscle Pain?

Dr. Phillips, our doctor of chiropractic, will evaluate your spinal health and adjust the spine if necessary. Our chiropractor will also discuss ways to relieve your pain without medication or surgery. These can include stretches and exercises that provide relief for stiffness and muscle pain. Safety tips and proper form for yard work and gardening will also be discussed.

What Are Some Tips for Stopping Muscle Pain Before It Starts When Gardening or Doing Yard Work?

As with any form of physical activity, it is important to warm up and stretch before getting to work. It is also important to use equipment properly and take care of yourself when lifting any heavy objects. Instead of constantly bending over to pull weeds, consider sitting on a garden pad. When you have finished the yard work, cool down with a few stretches. A good one is to reach for the sky and then touch your toes. While reaching for the sky, also lace your fingers and bend side to side. Next, sit down and reach for your toes and also do the butterfly stretch. Stretches should only be done when the body is warm, so be sure to walk around or jog a little first.

Did You Suffered Muscle Pain from Gardening or Doing Yard Work? We Can Help!

Make an appointment with Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio for an exam and to discuss ways to alleviate muscle pain when doing yard work or gardening.


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