Herniated Disc Relief: FAQ

Herniated Disc Relief: FAQ

Do you experience neck pain or back pain? What about numbness, tingling, or muscular weakness? You might have a spinal disc herniation, a type of injury that results in disc fragmentation in the spine. Those who have a herniated disc should seek treatment from a health clinic such as Dr. Philluos Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness. You may be wondering what a herniated disc is and how it is treated. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about this condition.


1. What is a herniated disc?

A spinal disc is a structure that supports the vertebral bones of the spine. These discs provide a cushion to the bones of the spine, allowing for better movement and spinal function. When a disc is herniated, its tough outer casing ruptures, allowing the internal gel-like material to leak out of the disc.

2. What causes spinal disc herniation?

A herniated disc can be the result of physical trauma, personal injury, degenerative disc disease, or general wear and tear from certain activities.

3. What are the risk factors for spinal disc herniation?

Age-related degeneration is a common factor associated with spinal disc herniation. This condition is also strongly associated with particular genetic disorders. Those living a sedentary lifestyle are also likely to develop a herniated disc.

4. What are some signs and symptoms to look for in disc herniation?

Back pain is the hallmark symptom of this condition. You can also expect paranesthesia-like symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness, and even paralysis. Some people report spasms in movement as a symptom.

5. How does a chiropractor diagnose and treat a herniated disc?

Your chiropractor may use a physical exam, a questionnaire, and diagnostic imaging to determine whether or not you have a herniated disc. Treatment options include chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, pain-relieving active therapy, corrective exercise, or posture correction.

6. Where in San Antonio can a patient find treatment for disc herniation?

Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness is a center serving the San Antonio area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your back pain.


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