Stretches for your Neck

Four Neck Stretches to Reduce Pain

Neck pain is an extremely common ailment. You use your neck all day and it isn’t one of the body parts that people often think to focus on during exercise. Combine this with poor posture and constantly looking at a computer screen and you can see why so many people deal with neck issues. However, stretching your neck is a great way to relieve pain and keep your neck muscles and nerves healthy. At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, TX, we care about your neck health. So here are several exercises to keep you and your neck feeling good.

Push Your Head Forward

For this stretch, clasp your hands behind your head. Then tuck your chin in toward your chest and gently push your head forward. Breathe deeply and feel the stretch in the back of your neck for thirty seconds.

Chin Tuck

With your body facing straight ahead, tilt your head back as far as it can comfortably go. Feel the stretch in the front of your neck for ten seconds. Then roll your head gently forward and tuck your chin into your chest to stretch the back of your neck for another ten seconds.

Head Rotation

Facing straight ahead, use your right fingers to gently turn your head to the left. Turn as far on your neck as you comfortably can, then hold that pose for ten seconds to stretch out the muscles on the right side of your neck. Then swap sides, using your left fingers to gently turn your head and stretch the left side.

Lateral Tilt

While facing straight ahead, try to touch your ear to your shoulder without bringing the shoulder upwards. Do this on both sides and hold it for twenty seconds to stretch the neck and shoulder muscles.

Additional Neck Pain Relief in San Antonio, TX

These stretches can help prevent or resolve neck pain. If you need more care, it might be time to call a chiropractor. Call our team at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness at (210) 545-1144 to help reduce or eliminate your pain and get you moving comfortably again.


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