How Do I Know if I Need Chiropractic Care

How Do I Know if I Need Chiropractic Care?

If you are suffering from back pain such as sciatica or neck pain due to injury or lifestyle, a chiropractor can help you feel better. Many people feel that if they are not in pain, they do not need chiropractic care. However, you do not need to be in pain to benefit from seeing a chiropractor. Good chiropractic care can help reduce your pain, improve your range of motion, and enhance your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Regular chiropractic adjustments will help you lead an overall healthier life. If you are looking for chiropractic care in San Antonio, the wellness professionals at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness are ready to assist you.

What Can Chiropractic Care Do for Me?

As we age, we begin to lose muscle mass and our joints and ligaments wear down. Many people also begin to experience disc deterioration, which can result in aches and pains throughout the body. We also begin to lose our range of motion, and our reflexes may suffer. Years of playing sports can cause wear on your arms, legs, hips, and knees. Dr. Phillip’s chiropractic care can help relieve current pain while also reducing the likelihood of pain returning in the future.

Your first visit with our skilled chiropractor will begin with a consultation where you discuss your health history and any problems or concerns you may have. Dr. Phillips may ask questions about your health and talk to you about your goals for health and wellness. He will ask questions such as what you do for a living and how active you are to get a good understanding of your lifestyle in general. Dr. Phillips will then proceed to evaluate your musculoskeletal system to identify the root cause of your discomfort. This will include testing your reflexes, range of motion, posture, and other physical attributes.

Based on his findings, Dr. Phillips will discuss his personalized plan for you which may include treatments such as pain management, massage therapy, physiotherapy, integrative modalities, and nutritional counseling. One of the best parts of chiropractic care is you are an active member in discussing your goals and treatments.

Chiropractor in San Antonio

At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness, we have years of experience providing San Antonio residents with natural and effective chiropractic care. For more information on how we reduce back pain and neck pain or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor, call us at (210) 545-1144.


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