Back To School: Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pains

Back Pain Care With Dr. Phillips Chiropractic In San Antonio

Back to school can cause all sorts of stress for your child, and the last thing you want is for them to be dealing with back, shoulder, or neck pain. Unfortunately, the strain of carrying a heavy backpack to and from school can cause a variety of spinal issues for your child. Our chiropractor, Dr. Phillips at Dr.Phillips Chiropractic, can help!

Parents cooking breakfast for kids before school

How To Ease Back, Neck, And Shoulder Pain Caused By Backpacks

Carrying a heavy backpack or purse, spending long periods of time sitting in class, and re-starting athletic practices can all take a toll on your child's body. No two children are the same, and our chiropractor recognizes that your child's chiropractic needs are individual. After assessing your child's needs, our chiropractor will recommend a course of holistic treatment to help restore your child's body to its original pain-free state. Typically, this involves doing a safe, gentle, painless spinal decompression. Over time, the weight of heavy bags (or even the weight of our own bodies after sitting for long periods of time) can cause the vertebrae in the spine to compress into one another, resulting in pain that can be both sharp and radiating. Spinal decompression will help space out the vertebrae once again, relieving the pain. 

The best time to make a chiropractic appointment is before the pain starts. Once pain has set in, it typically takes more time (and more visits) to restore the spine. If your child carries a heavy purse or backpack, spends long periods of time sitting, or has recently re-started sports practice, it's a good idea to start them off with regular chiropractic appointments as soon as possible. Shoulder, back, and neck pain are easily treatable, and there's no reason for your child to suffer.

Call Our Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition, and Wellness in San Antonio, TX!

Ready to help your kiddo feel their best? Call Dr. Phillips Chiropractic today at 210-545-1144 to set up an appointment!


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