How To Stick To Your Weight Loss Goals

Losing Weight with Your San Antonio Chiropractor for a New Life

healthy food

Have you resolved to drop those extra pounds in 2018? It takes more than a simple declaration of intent to change your physiology, metabolism, and psychological relationship to food, especially if you want safe, long-term results. Let's look at some key points to keep in mind in your efforts to make your New Year's resolution come true.

Overcoming Common Barriers to Weight Loss

Physical systems, including the systems of your own body, tend to work toward maintaining the status quo. When you decide to break away from a longstanding weight problem and make a permanent change, you may encounter certain barriers. These include:

  • Metabolic barriers - Your metabolism may have leveled off or even slowed way down over the years. A sedentary lifestyle encourages the body to burn less fat, leaving you with more "unspent fuel" around your waistline. Crash diets that starve the body of protein can actually make things worse by making you lose muscle -- a prime burner of fat.
  • Nutritional barriers - Fatty foods simply don't get used as fuel quickly enough. Instead, they stick to your ribs while your metabolism prioritizes burning quicker energy sources such as carbohydrates. Eating more fruits, vegetables, and lean protein will let your body run more cleanly and efficiently; exercise will then give it a chance to burn off its fat stores.
  • Mental barriers - Many people set unreasonable goals, then give up when those goals seem impossible. Making small but significant changes in your diet, nutrition, and activity levels will help you lose weight safely, naturally, and without undue effort.

Don't Just Resolve to Lose Weight -- Do It!

If you want expert help in your quest to lose weight, call Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness at (210) 545-1144. Our chiropractor's nutritional counseling expertise can help you with your goal for a slimmer, healthier life!


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