Reasons to Seek Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain from an Auto Accident

Reasons to Seek Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain from an Auto Accident

Neck pain can be a serious problem after a car accident occurs. Understanding why neck pain happens and how chiropractic care can help neck pain can help you get the treatment you need in the days following your accident.

Causes of Neck Pain After An Auto Accident

There are many reasons that a patient might experience neck pain after an auto accident, including:

  • Whiplash. This condition occurs when the muscles and ligaments of the neck develop tiny tears. Whiplash can cause a variety of symptoms including stiffness, limited range of mobility, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain and blurry vision.
  • Herniated disc. A herniated disc occurs when the padding between the vertebrae (called a disc) protrudes from the tough casing that surrounds it.
  • Subluxation. A subluxation occurs when the vertebrae becomes misaligned and put pressure on the spinal cord. 

Chiropractic Techniques To Help

Chiropractic care is a holistic form of pain management and can treat and alleviate pain without using medicine. Some of the techniques that chiropractors use to treat neck pain after an auto accident include:

  • Spinal adjustment. By realigning the vertebrae, chiropractors help the body heal and reduce pain. Spinal adjustment is the cornerstone of all chiropractic care.
  • Lifestyle advice. By administering lifestyle advice, chiropractors help patients to avoid injury while they're recovering from their accident.
  • Stretches and exercises. Stretches and exercises help patients improve range of motion and strengthen their muscles after an accident occurs.

Contact Your Chiropractor in San Antonio

As your chiropractor in San Antonio, we offer a range of treatments for neck pain after an auto accident. Some conditions, like whiplash, can take days or weeks to display symptoms. Waiting to get treatment can lead to complications and unnecessary pain. If you have recently been in a car accident, come see a chiropractor even if you aren't experiencing symptoms. Call Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness today at (210) 545-1144.


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