Active Therapy for Auto Accident Injury Recovery

Active Therapy for Auto Accident Injury Recovery

This guy recently got in a auto accident injury and should seek physical therapy treatment

Here at Dr. Phillips' San Antonio Chiropractic, we provide comprehensive treatment for auto accident injuries, from whiplash to soft tissue injuries. For many San Antonio auto accident injury patients, active therapy plays an important role in healing. Learn more. 

When to Try Active Therapy After an Auto Accident 

Even a car crash at low speed places the body under a great strain. It's common to develop pulled muscles or tissue injuries from the trauma, as well as subluxations of the spine. These misalignments develop when the impact of the crash pushes the spine out of its natural alignment. The most well-known instance of this type of injury is whiplash, the serious neck strain that is most common after an auto accident. Neck pain and back pain are also common after an auto accident. 

Many people make the mistake of taking a "wait and see" approach to trauma after an auto accident, however, it's important to seek wellness care to reduce symptoms and prevent the development of scar tissue. It's also critical to seek treatment right away, so you are eligible for insurance coverage. 

San Antonio Active Therapy Services

Along with chiropractic adjustments to relieve spinal subluxations and whiplash symptoms, we offer active therapy for auto accident injuries.  

Active therapy consists of stretches, strengthening exercises, and physiotherapies to relieve pain and inflammation, promote proper muscle movement, and get you back to health. While these exercises can be uncomfortable since they directly challenge injured muscles and ligaments, they should not be painful to complete.  

During appointments, we'll assist you in working affected tissue to boost strength and range of motion, and we will also suggest lifestyle changes to enhance your recovery. In between appointments, you can stretch at home to strengthen your muscles and boost your recovery.

Get Auto Accident Injury Treatment in San Antonio 

If you were recently in an auto accident, come in for an examination. The faster you start treating injuries, the sooner your return to health. Reserve a consultation with our San Antonio chiropractor online, or call us at (210) 545-1144. 


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