Types of Workers Comp Injuries Our San Antonio Chiropractor Treats

Chiropractor in San Antonio Treats Workers Comp Injuries

If you have suffered a work-related injury, our San Antonio chiropractor is ready to help you heal and get you back into the workforce injury-free and stress-free. Because timing is everything with insurance, coming to see us immediately following your injury ensures that your insurance will compensate you as a workers comp case. We will work with your insurance to help you receive treatment with our San Antonio chiropractor. 

workers comp

Workers Comp Injuries Treated By Our San Antonio Chiropractor

Workers comp injuries that commonly occur may affect the knees, neck, low back, shoulders, and ankles. These injuries often result from slips and fall incidents from tables, ladders, and scaffolding, forklift accidents, faulty equipment or coming into contact with other workers that are not using equipment properly.

Dr. Phillip's Chiropractic Approach For Workers Comp Injuries

Our chiropractic approach offers a non-invasive way to help you heal. We may perform spinal decompression to help alleviate pain and advance the body's natural ability to heal. Decompression takes pressure off of discs and allows nutrients to flow more freely to the affected regions. Along with traditional chiropractic adjustments, we may also suggest the use of massage therapy as a complement as well as a way of alleviating the emotional stress of an injury. Depending on the nature of your injury, we often suggest at-home physiotherapy exercises that help increase the potential of the treatments we perform in our office. 

Let us Help you Rehabilitate a Work Injury Beyond The Acute Phase! Call Us Today!

We encourage you to see us regularly to fully rehabilitate your injury. We will suggest at-home exercises to potentiate the effects of your in-office treatments as well. It is our goal to not only help you heal your injury but prevent another from occurring as a focal point of the rehabilitative process. 

Is a workplace injury keeping you in pain and out of the workforce? Let us help you heal by treating your workers' comp injury now. Please call us at 210.545.1144 to schedule an appointment. 


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