Natural Back Pain Treatment

Our Chiropractor, Dr. Phillips, Provides Natural Back Pain Treatment in San Antonio

At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, TX, our chiropractor provides natural back pain treatment for patients who suffer from conditions like sciatica, whiplash, low back pain and more.Man with back pain in San Antonio

Causes of Back Pain

The causes of patient back pain can vary. Below are some of the most common causes of back pain in our patients:

  • Whiplash
  • Over use
  • Improper lifting
  • Poor posture
  • Sciatica
  • Muscle strain
  • Sports injuries
  • Auto injuries

All of these conditions are treatable and respond well to chiropractic techniques. At Dr. Phillips, we treat patients who suffer from all these conditions as well as many others.

Chiropractic Methods Give Patients Relief

Our chiropractic techniques are medication free and non-invasive. We use the following all-natural methods to treat back pain:

  • Nutritional counseling. Good nutrition and wellness go hand in hand. At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness, we teach our patients how to eat properly, so they'll have the energy they need to exercise and strengthen their back muscles.
  • Massage therapy. Massage therapy can help alleviate back pain that occurs as a result of tight muscles caused by stress. Massage therapy also improves blood flow to injured areas of the back, which can speed the healing process for the patient and provide fast relief.
  • Spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is one of our most effective forms of treatment. With gentle but effective adjustments to the spine, we eliminate subluxations, relieve pressure on the joints and restore balance to the body.
  • Stretches and exercises. We teach patients to perform stretches and exercises that can reverse damage from injuries and help our patients heal.

Contact Dr. Phillips, Our Chiropractor in San Antonio, Today for an Appointment

Back pain can decrease your quality of life. If you currently experience back pain in San Antonio and would like to be treated naturally and holistically, contact Dr. Don Phillips at 210-545-1144. At your first appointment, we'll diagnose your condition and discuss a treatment plan that will be right for you.


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