Summer is Around the Corner: Here's Why a Healthy Back is So Important

Back Health in San AntonioThe warm weather and sunshine during a San Antonio summer make a perfect backdrop for sports, gardening, and fixing up your house. Nothing should prevent you from having fun this summer – especially a bad back. Back pain can ruin your fun in the summer sun and keep you from enjoying vacations, trips to the beach, golfing and barbeques with your friends. Fortunately, our chiropractor in San Antonio is here to help you maintain a healthy back during the summer months.

Have a Healthy Back This Summer

Your back serves as the main support structure for your body. Along with your muscles and joints, the special physiology of your back allows you to sit on a bicycle, stand in front of the lion cage at the San Antonio Zoo, and bend to weed the garden. Your back bears your weight as you walk, run, catch, throw and jump.

The bones of your spine, known as vertebrae, are in a special double-s curved, stacked arrangement that allows for incredible strength and range of motion. The three main curves of the back are at your neck, chest and lower back, known respectively as your cervical, thoracic, and lumbar curves. Strong muscles and flexible discs between each vertebra also support your healthy back. This complex configuration allows you to return a tennis ball with a powerful backhand swing or sink a 20-foot putt with ease.

A healthy back requires these three curves to be perfectly in balance; the individual vertebra must be in correct alignment to maintain perfect balance. Muscles and discs must be in good health too. Our friendly and caring staff provides spinal decompression, massage therapy, spinal adjustment, and other chiropractic approaches to realign the bones of your spine, reduce pressure on the discs between each vertebra, and soothe muscle spasms.

Here are some tips for reducing back pain this summer:

  • Ease into activities
  • Avoid bending at the waist
  • Throw away your flip flops without adequate support
  • Come in for regular adjustments

Your chiropractor in San Antonio, Dr. Phillips, is here to help you have a healthy back this summer. Don’t get sidelined – make an appointment to see us today!

What is your favorite summer sport?


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