Relief in San Antonio: Avoiding the Top Three Migraine Triggers

Relief in San Antonio: Avoiding the Top Three Migraine Triggers

migraine relief with chiropractic care in San AntonioIf you suffer from migraines, you know how desperate the search can be for lasting migraine relief. Here at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, we provide long-term, natural methods that can lessen the severity and frequency of these painful episodes—and often times even eliminate them entirely. It involves a two-pronged approach: avoiding triggers plus spinal adjustments to correct nerve interferences that aggravate headaches.

San Antonio Chiropractic Care Offers Migraine Relief

Chiropractic care here at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio is all about addressing the causes behind the migraines, not just covering them up. For many patients, spinal adjustments to correct misalignments pinching nerves in the neck are extremely effective at providing migraine relief. We also help you identify and avoid the biggest migraine triggers:

Stress: Reduce your stress load of as much stress as you can. Stress causes physiological and biochemical reactions in your body that can adversely affect headaches and many other health problems. It can also cause muscle tension in the neck. This causes problems for your posture and nerves. Take time out for you—relax, get enough sleep at night and consider massage therapy as it is a great stress reliever.

Comestibles: Many kinds of food are considered migraine triggers (aged cheeses, processed meats, wine, highly-processed foods, and artificial additives), but when and how regularly you eat and how well you stay hydrated can also cause problems. At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness, we advise patients on nutrition and hydration programs to lower their migraine-risk levels. Consistency is the key: stay on a regular eating schedule loaded with whole organic foods and plenty of water.

Environment: Journaling your migraines can help you discover other triggers in your environment. Note things like: bright or flashing lights, strong smells (paint, cigarette smoke, etc.), and noise.

Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness team can help you beat migraines from several angles, so talk with us.

What are your biggest triggers and how do you avoid them?


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