Chiropractic Care Helps Develop Good Posture Habits

Chiropractic Care Helps Develop Good Posture Habits

chiropractic care in San AntonioBad posture could be causing pain in your back and neck. Correcting bad posture is more than just telling someone to stand up straight; good posture habits need to be developed. Our San Antonio chiropractor can assist with the correction process. There are many chiropractic methods used to reverse and correct poor posture.

Posture is considered the “window to the spine” by chiropractic and health care professionals. Bad posture can indicate that there is something wrong with your spine and nervous system. One of the first indicators of poor posture our San Antonio chiropractor will look for is slouching or forward head posture. This posture causes strain on posterior neck muscles and increases the weight bearing on discs which often leads to premature arthritis in the neck.

Posture can be affected by many factors and poor posture can be caused by car accidents, sports injuries, sitting at computers for long periods of time and loss of bone density. Other simple activities like poor sleep habits or sleeping on mattresses that do not offer enough support can affect your posture.

Bad Posture May Be Corrected with Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic care is one tool that will help poor posture. Regular chiropractic adjustments help realign your body and make it easier to develop better posture habits. Our San Antonio chiropractor may recommend certain exercises to help correct posture. A few common posture exercises include shoulder retractions, reverse shoulder shrugs and repetitive chin tuck exercises. Another way you can work on posture if you are overweight is to shed some pounds and maintain a healthy body weight. Getting enough rest also helps with good posture. As you sleep your spine decompresses from the strain and pressure put on it during the day. Sleeping on a quality mattress that offers support to your neck and spine will assist in developing your good posture habits.

Visit our San Antonio chiropractor today for a full consultation. He will analyze your posture and develop a tailored treatment plan to correct any posture, spinal or neck problems. Good posture can make your body look and feel better on both inside and out. If you practice good posture habits you will carry less tension in your muscles, experience less pain, move easier and develop more strength.


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