Understanding IRS (Insulin Resistance Syndrome) Risks

Understanding IRS (Insulin Resistance Syndrome) Risks

San Antonio chiropractor focuses on insulin resistance syndrome.jpgYou may have heard a lot of talk in the media about "insulin resistance syndrome." This pre-diabetic condition affects an alarming 79 million people in the U.S. alone. But what is insulin resistance, and how can managing your weight help prevent or reverse it? Let us take a closer look at this disorder.

The body produces a hormone called insulin in response to sugar in the bloodstream. The insulin breaks the sugar down either for immediate use or for storage in muscle, fat and liver cells. If for some reason these cells stop responding to insulin, the sugar builds up in the bloodstream, forcing the pancreas to try to compensate by producing increasing amounts of insulin. This condition is known as insulin resistance syndrome, metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes. If it continues, a case of full-blown type 2 diabetes may develop. In the meantime, you may also struggle with unhealthy cholesterol levels and arterial disease.

A variety of factors can increase your risk for insulin resistance syndrome, including recent pregnancy, age, ethnic heritage, steroid use and stress. One of the major risks that you can actually control, however, concerns your waistline. Obesity, especially in the form of belly fat, is commonly associated with the disorder. People who are carrying excess pounds are urged to lose weight as a means of avoiding or treating insulin resistance syndrome. But losing weight through crash diets will only endanger your health further. You need a sensible plan devised by a skilled nutritionist -- which is just what we offer here at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness.

Healthy Eating Habits and Natural Weight Loss

Visit our wellness center for an initial consultation. As a nutritionist, Dr. Phillips can discuss your current insulin levels and weight loss goals; then help you lose weight safely through a customized mix of healthy eating habits, exercise and other lifestyle changes. Not only will you steer yourself away from diabetes -- you will also feel and look great!

Are you insulin resistant? When were you diagnosed?


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