Whiplash: Natural Pain Management and Recovery

Whiplash: Natural Pain Management and Recovery

San Antonio chiropractor treats whiplash pain.jpgThere are millions of reported cases of whiplash from car accidents every year, but did you know that this neck injury can happen just about anywhere? Anytime the head and neck are suddenly whipped forward and backward (or side to side), gravitational forces cause unnatural pull between the neck vertebrae, straining the neck’s delicate system of muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments. 

Sports injuries, slip and falls, and even roller coasters have been known to cause this injury. Neck pain, headaches, shoulder and back pain, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and other symptoms often do not appear until hours or even days later. This sometimes makes it hard to connect the pain with the accident. Fortunately, our San Antonio chiropractor can help, both with pain management and recovery.

Neck Pain from Whiplash? We Can Help!

San Antonio chiropractor, Dr. Phillips has helped thousands of patients struggling with neck pain, headaches and other painful symptoms of whiplash. He listens to each patient for a record of their symptoms and fully examines them to discover the exact location and extent of the injury. The first step towards pain relief is usually a gentle, chiropractic spinal adjustment to realign neck vertebrae misaligned during the accident. This removes pressure from pinched nerves and enables them to start healing themselves.

Of course, the surrounding soft tissues contribute enormously to the proper alignment of the spine, so Dr. Phillips attends to those injuries as well for comprehensive rehabilitation of the injury. In cases where the discs between the vertebrae were damaged, spinal decompression can help reshape and heal them. Massage therapy is excellent for relieving neck pain naturally while accelerating tissue healing. It loosens musculoskeletal tightness, increases circulation, reduces inflammation, and releases endorphins into the system for natural pain management. Dr. Phillips also recommends a nutritional plan to make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs to fuel your recovery.

Have you ever suffered from whiplash? Which pain management options helped you the most?


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