Turn 'Ouch' into 'Ahhh'

Natural Pain Management from San Antonio Chiropractor

San Antonio pain management often includes massage therapyWhen pain hits, many people automatically reach for medication to soothe the agony. With help from Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness, pain relief medication is not your only option. Our San Antonio chiropractor Dr. Phillips has long been helping people find relief through natural pain management options that are both holistic and drug-free. Benefits of natural pain relief and management include avoiding detrimental side effects that may come with certain medications and the peace of mind you are treating the cause of the agony rather than simply masking the pain.

Massage Therapy Effective for Back Pain and Neck Pain

One of the most effective pain management techniques we offer is massage therapy. Massage involves the use of gentle rubbing, kneading and manipulation of a targeted affected area to release tension and bring relief. The targeted area may be where the pain is felt, which is often the case with neck pain or back pain, or it may be the cause of deferred pain that shows up in another area, which is sometimes the case with headaches.

In addition to managing pain, massage has been effective for soothing tired muscles, improving circulation and helping to boost your body’s immunity. The technique can alleviate stiffness and contribute to a rapid recovery from injuries. Dr. Phillips can prescribe massage therapy on its own or combine it with other natural techniques to create a comprehensive program.

Spinal decompression and cold laser therapy are two more natural pain management techniques our San Antonio chiropractic clinic offers. The former involves gently elongating the spine and pulling the vertebrae apart using a table and computer system designed for the task. Spinal decompression can be especially helpful for back pain, neck pain, and other agony caused by a compressed nerve. Cold laser therapy uses a specific laser beam to help stimulate the healing of tissue and decrease the level of pain.

Do you use any natural techniques to manage pain?


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