Nutrition for Bulging Discs

Nutrition and Wellness Provides Relief from Bulging Disc

A herniated disc, sometimes known as a bulging disc or herniated disc, is a serious medical condition that causes pain and dysfunction in your back.

The bones of your spine are stacked on top of one another, similar to a deck of cards. This configuration allows you incredible range of motion in your shoulders, back and hips. The bones of the spinal column are hollow and act as protection for the spinal cord inside. Nerves protrude from the spinal cord through tiny holes in the vertebrae and past the discs.

A rubbery disc lies between each spinal bone, known collectively as vertebrae, to cushion the bones and prevent them from grinding together. Discs are donut-shaped to allow space for the spinal cord. The outer shell of the disc is tough but the inside is gelatinous. A healthy disc is about the same diameter as its nearest vertebra so the bones and discs together form a smooth column.

Difference between a Bulging Disc and a Herniated Disc

Doctors and patients tend to use the terms "bulging disc" and "herniated disc" interchangeably but many healthcare providers say there are subtle differences between the two. A bulging disc extends outside its normal space so it is larger than its neighboring vertebrae. A bulging disc resembles a hamburger too big for its bun.

In time, the tough outer shell of the disc may crack and allow the gooey substance inside leak out. Many specialists call this a herniated disc.

bulging discs and herniated discs can cause pain, although some patients with these disc conditions never experience symptoms. There are two main causes for disc pain: pinched nerve and pain within the disc space itself. Leakage from the ruptured disc can press against the nerves protruding from the spinal cord to cause radicular pain. Sciatica, for example, is a type of radicular pain that shoots down one leg. Disc pain causes axial pain, resulting in discomfort in the low back, or in the legs, or both.

Herniated discs and bulging discs can happen anywhere in the spine. These conditions are most common in the lower back because these discs bear the most pressure and torque on a daily basis.

Fortunately, chiropractic care like that provided by Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness could relieve symptoms you may experience from a bulging disc. Treatment always starts with a comprehensive exam and recording of a detailed patient history because an accurate diagnosis is critical to your recovery. Your chiropractor at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness may also order radiological testing to confirm a diagnosis.

Spinal adjustments and spinal decompression treatments relieve pressure vertebrae place on discs to reduce the risk for bulging and herniation. Massage therapy relaxes muscles spasms common with bulging discs. Your chiropractor at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness is your healthcare professional of choice after bulging discs, herniated discs and other back problems. Call (210) 545-1144 today!


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