Chiropractic after a Car Accident: Head Injuries

Chiropractor helping patient her recent car accident head injury

This is a continuation of the series Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accident Injuries: The Complete Guide. You can see other common injuries here: neck injuriesback injuriesdizziness & blurred vision, soft tissue injuries.  

If you were recently in an auto accident, it’s vital to get checked out by a car accident doctor. You may have sustained back, neck, or head injuries that could have detrimental long-term effects if you ignore them. Fortunately, treatments are available to help you recover from auto accident injuries.

Consider how Dr. Edward Owens, our car accident chiropractor in Bellevue, can treat the head injury you sustained in a recent car accident.

Types of Head Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Head injuries can take on multiple forms, ranging from minor to quite severe. Here are the most common ways your head can be injured in a car accident:

  • Bruises, scrapes, and cuts: The unexpected movement of a car during an accident can cause your head to collide with nearby objects. Direct impact with hard surfaces such as the window, steering wheel, or dashboard may cause bruising. If the surface is rough, your head may get scraped. Sharp objects that impact your head during a car accident may cause deep cuts and lacerations.
  • Concussion: If you hit your head hard enough during a car accident, you may sustain a concussion. Typical symptoms to watch for include headaches, nausea and vomiting, temporary loss of vision, mental confusion, ringing in your ears, and difficulty sleeping. 
  • Brain injuries: The most severe concussions may cause bruising, swelling, and bleeding of the brain, resulting in temporary or permanent brain damage.

Benefits of Seeing a Bellevue Chiropractor for Auto Accident Head Injuries

Even if you don’t think you were injured severely, it’s beneficial to visit a Bellevue chiropractor as soon as you can after a car accident. Concussion symptoms may have a delayed onset, but the sooner you can begin treatment, the better. Here’s how you stand to benefit:

  • A full health assessment could rule out internal injuries and other issues that could cause permanent damage if left untreated.
  • Chiropractic care is a natural, non-invasive way to heal from auto accident injuries.
  • A little attention now could help you avoid complications days, weeks, or months from now.
  • Treatment costs may be covered by your health or car insurance.

Techniques a Car Accident Chiropractor Uses to Treat Head Injuries

When you visit Chiropractic of Bellevue, here are the types of head injury treatments you can expect to receive:

  • Massage: Gentle muscle manipulation of the head and neck can help loosen muscle tension, improve blood flow to the injured area, and promote healing.
  • Chiropractic adjustments: It may not seem like a bump on the forehead could have any bearing on your spine, but car accident head injuries often cause the cranial and cervical bones to misalign. By bringing them back into alignment with chiropractic adjustments, your symptoms may ease significantly, and your body will begin its recovery.
  • Lifestyle and nutrition recommendations: To help ensure a full recovery and superior long-term health, our car accident doctor may recommend lifestyle and dietary changes. Follow these tips at home for the best results from your chiropractic treatments.

Schedule an Appointment with a Bellevue Chiropractor

There’s no need to suffer after sustaining auto accident injuries—not when a new patient exam and treatment at Chiropractic of Bellevue is just $39! Dr. Owens has been a premier car accident chiropractor in Bellevue since 1996. Call us at 425-802-5432 to begin treatment for your head injury today.


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