Why Seek Chiropractic Care for Your Bellevue Car Accident Treatment?

In the immediate aftermath of an auto accident, you might rush to an emergency room to deal with acute pain, or you might simply go home because you feel all right and assume all is well. But there's another destination you should seriously consider -- our clinic at Chiropractic of Bellevue. Here are some of the important benefits you can enjoy by going the chiropractic route for your Bellevue car accident treatment. 

Man after car accident in Bellevue

  • A chiropractic evaluation can detect "hidden" injuries. The flood of endorphins and adrenalin that accompanies a traumatic event like an auto accident can make you quite literally numb to your injuries. These problems may continue to worsen for days or weeks while you are still recovering from the shock -- and by the time you do experience symptoms, they are worse than they would have been if you had gotten an immediate diagnosis. A chiropractic evaluation can uncover those lurking issues, at which point we can treat them immediately.
  • Chiropractic care goes beyond the symptoms. While an ordinary hospital may simply prescribe drugs or a neck brace to ease your symptoms, we can actually stop your symptoms at their source by treating the underlying damage. A spinal adjustment that relieves a pinched nerve, for example, may resolve a variety of symptoms, including back pain, neck pain, extremity pain, numbness, tingling and loss of motor control.
  • Chiropractic care relieves whiplash. Whiplash is complex condition that may involve herniated discs, pinched cervical nerve roots and dislocated spinal joints, to the point that the natural curve of your neck is altered. Chiropractic care does what no neck brace can by restoring normal curvature, disc position and nerve function.
  • Chiropractic care relieves sciatica. Lower lumbar pain and leg pain following an auto accident may be sciatica, an impingement of the sciatic nerve caused by spinal misalignment and disc pressure. Chiropractic care can help relieve this set of symptoms just as surely as it can treat whiplash.
  • Chiropractic treatment can include multiple healing modalities. We can combine chiropractic adjustment with other natural, drug-free methods such as massage therapy and gentle stretching exercises that rehabilitate soft tissues and rebuild the muscles that support your entire body. We can personalize this healing regimen to suit your specific needs for "whole body" recovery.

Schedule Safe, Natural Bellevue Car Accident Treatment Today

Now that you see how chiropractic care can help you, make sure you pursue the logical next step. Call (425) 802-5432 to schedule Bellevue car accident treatment at our chiropractic clinic!

- Dr. Edward Owens D.C.

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