Shoulder Pain After an Auto Accident: Should I Seek Treatment?

Getting into an auto accident increases the risk of facing multiple injuries. In some cases, the injuries cause pain in your shoulders, neck and upper back. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may need appropriate treatment to help with the recovery process.Man with shoulder pain after a accident

Common Shoulder Injuries

The injuries to your shoulders that may occur during an auto accident ultimately depend on several factors, including the speed of the vehicle and the point of impact. Common injuries that may occur include:

  • Fractures to any of the bones in the area
  • Dislocated shoulders
  • Whiplash, which causes injuries to muscles in the shoulders
  • Other soft-tissue injuries

Certain injuries may not be obvious immediately after the accident. For example, whiplash-related injuries to your shoulders may be overlooked for several hours before you notice the pain or discomfort. Other injuries, like a broken bone, may be more obvious at the time of the accident.

Symptoms You May Ignore or Overlook

The symptoms associated with muscle-related injuries and whiplash vary; however, you may overlook certain symptoms of a problem when you assume the injury was minor. Key symptoms that may occur after the accident include:

  • Tension in the muscles, particularly the shoulders and neck
  • General pain without an obvious cause
  • Difficulty moving the shoulder, such as difficulty lifting the arms over your head
  • Problems with mobility or flexibility

When you notice any discomfort or pain while moving your shoulder, it may be a sign of a potential injury. You should also pay attention to any difficulty moving your shoulder since it may impact your lifestyle and situation.

When to Seek Treatment

Seeking treatment for shoulder pain after an auto accident depends on your situation. As a general rule, always seek treatment if you experience extreme pain or notice signs of a broken bone. If you are unsure about the cause of the pain, then my team at Chiropractic of Bellevue offers assistance by evaluating the shoulder and then developing a treatment plan.

Always seek treatment if your symptoms persist, even if it seems minor. Injuries like whiplash may take more time to heal than expected and professional treatment from a chiropractor allows you to address the underlying cause of your pain. The evaluation process also considers the possibility of severe injuries and uses tools like an x-ray to check for a cracked or bruised bone when pain persists.

Treating pain from a shoulder injury after a car accident provides the opportunity to regain full mobility and flexibility in your shoulders. For more information about our treatment process for auto injuries or to set up an appointment with a professional chiropractor, contact Chiropractic of Bellevue today.

Dr. Edward Owens D.C.


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