"I Slipped And Fell In A Store And I'm Not Sure What To Do About It." 

What To Do If You Are In Pain

knee injury slip and fallIf you slip and fall in a store, you may give more thought to whether there are grounds for a lawsuit than how to recover from the accident. "I'll just rest and ice it," you may think as you limp back to your car. Slip and fall accidents can cause severe lower back, hip, and knee pain. Learn what to do to get back to full health after a slip and fall injury. 

Common Injuries After a Slip and Fall

After a slip and fall, you are most likely to experience pain in your: 

  • Knee - The impact of the fall can cause knee damage. Swelling is often a sign of a knee fracture or a ligament tear. If your pain worsens after stair climbing or sitting, it could also indicate a ligament or a cartilage tear. Gentle pain management techniques are needed to soothe inflammation that contributes to knee pain.  
  • Hips - Backward falls, where you land on your rear end, tend to cause hip pain from the impact to the pelvic region. 
  • Low back - Back pain is very common from falls where you manage to land on your feet, as well as falls where you land on your rear end. From tailbone injuries to aching lower backs, pain in the back area arises when your body's musculoskeletal system is wrenched out of alignment from the fall and its impact. 

How This Chiropractor in Bellevue Can Help with Slip and Fall Injuries Like Yours

After a slip and fall, you may notice your injuries right away or you may not notice them until weeks after the slip and fall incident. In either case, rest and ice will slowly reduce some inflammation but may not resolve the underlying issues. When you have sustained musculoskeletal damage, you will feel aches and pain until you resolve the underlying issues. 

As a leading chiropractor in Bellevue, WA, I can provide gentle holistic healing, to realign the musculoskeletal system and reverse your pain. I will gently unwind tight muscles, return the spine to its proper alignment, and reduce your levels of pain. Once you are no longer in pain, I will work with you on stretching and strengthening exercises to prevent the injuries from coming back. If you want long lasting pain relief, come see us! 

Have you ever seen a chiropractor for treatment after an injury? Share your recovery story in the comments. 

- Dr. Edward Owens D.C.


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