What to Do if You've Been in a Car Accident During the Holidays

The holidays are almost here and across the country, people are traveling to see friends and family. With more drivers on the road and with icy conditions making it more dangerous to drive, it's said that nearly 27,900 Americans will be injured in car accidents at this hectic time of year. At Chiropractic of Bellevue, we want everyone in the community of Bellevue, Washington to understand the type of injuries that can be sustained during auto accidents and how to seek treatment.

Seek Help from our Chiropractor in Bellevue

Car Accident During the HolidaysWhiplash is a condition that can have many seemingly unrelated symptoms. If you've been in a car accident, you could be injured and not yet be aware. Some of the symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Pain and tenderness in the back, shoulders and neck.
  • Dizziness, difficulty concentrating and memory loss.
  • Difficulty sleeping at night and difficulty focusing during the day.
  • Limited range of motion in the neck and back.
  • Moodiness, depression and irritability.
  • Frequent headaches.

If you were recently in an auto accident and are displaying the above symptoms, your chiropractor can help in a variety of ways, including:

  • Spinal adjustments. Your chiropractor will administer spinal adjustments to re-align the vertebrae in your spine and eliminate subluxations.
  • Massage therapy. Your chiropractor will use massage therapy to relax your muscles and increase blood flow to injured areas, speeding the healing process.
  • Stretches and exercises. Stretches and exercise can help you improve your range of motion, strengthen injured muscles and also help with the recovery process.

Chiropractic Care Helps Patients Feel Better in Mind and Body

Experiencing a car accident at the holidays can leave you shaken in more ways than one. In addition to treating whiplash, I can help heal the emotional distress that comes from being involved in a car accident. With techniques like massage therapy, I'm here to soothe your mind.

If you're involved in a car accident this holiday season, know where to turn for help. For more information about how chiropractic care can help you recover, contact us today. At Chiropractic of Bellevue, we can help heal your injuries and get you back on your feet this holiday season.

- Dr. Edward Owens D.C.


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