Aside from hearing from past patients, how can you tell a bad Chiropractor from a good Chiropractor?

There are a number of ways to tell if you have a good/bad Chiropractor.  Fortunately, most doctors of Chiropractic are - by the nature of the profession - well-intentioned and interested in your well-being first and foremost. But there are ways to tell if you truly have a good Chiropractor or not. These points apply to any health professional.

1. On-line reviews tell a lot about a Chiropractic office. Some judgement is needed when reading on-line reviews (there are some nutty people out there that attack anything and everything) but all in all if there are a lot of bad reviews from actual patients...that is a bad sign. A good Chiropractor catches unhappy patients before they leave his office and he rectifies the situation before it becomes a full-out unresolved conflict.

2. A good Chiropractor usually has his own office and staff after a few years of being in practice. He's busy enough that he needs his own staff and a larger space to work out of.

3. A good Chiropractic office is organized, tidy and clean.  The condition of an office shows the mental state and competence of a staff and its doctors. How people treat their space is a pretty good sign of how they will treat you as a patient.  

4. A decent amount of referrals are coming into the office from the existing patients. If the doctor is any good...he usually has at least a 50% referral rate (50% of his patients are referring someone else in).

5. A good Chiropractic office is direct, clear and upfront about costs, treatment plans, insurance coverage, billing, scheduling, etc.  There are not a lot of conflicts and turmoil between the office/doctor and the patients.

6. A good Chiropractor will listen and respond to your feedback and wo

n't just carry on doing only what they think is best without listening to your input.  He's not just robotically going through the motions without thought and attention to the patient.

7. A good Chiropractor typically has good staff who are happy with working there.  The staff aren't complaining or grumbling about work conditions and it appears that they like being there.

8. A good Chiropractor monitors your improvement and if you are

n't immediately improving will do something to improve that.

9. A bad Chiropractor pays little heed to the complaints and negative comments from his patients. He merely keeps on doing what he is doing without doing some Quality-Control when a complaint comes in.  

10. A good Chiropractor follows the standard laws, code

s and agreements of the health profession and doesn't bend the rules or seek to do things "under the table" just to make a quick buck.

11. A good Chiropractor has a loyal patient base.  Patients won't quit coming just because the doctor has moved a few miles away or discontinued acceptance of their insurance plans.  They will usually figure out a way to continue seeing the doctor.


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