Is it odd to hurt worse after going to a Chiropractor?

It is unusual but sometimes this happens when a person is just starting to see a Chiropractor and has done nothing or little in the past to address their musculoskeletal and nervous system.

Sometimes an area of the body is numb or "half-dead" and when it improves a little it then becomes painful.  After a Chiropractic adjustment that area becomes more active and more awake and then there is pain or soreness that results.  Like I said, this is unusual, but it can happen from time to time.  This pain usually will disappear over a short period of time 24-48 hours.  As a body starts to deteriorate...there can be pain, then numbness and then the area can seem altogether dead. Feeling pain is going to be an improvement in this situation.  This pain however, is going to quickly dissipate and go away and then you should start feeling normal and pain free after your next 2-3 visits.

HOWEVER, if you are feeling worse after seeing a should turn the car around and go back to the Chiropractor and have him/her give you another check-over just to ensure nothing got missed.  Most Chiropractors will be glad to give you another check-over free of charge if it's within 24 hours of the original visit.

Sometimes when putting the body back into proper functional order...the other areas of the body react.  It's like remodeling an old go to fix the wall and while doing that you notice the electrical system is not put together properly and then while fixing the electrical you notice the plumbing is inadequate. As long as you keep working on the house however...everything gets put back into functioning order and soon you have a functioning house.

It's just like working out and exercising.  At first you start feeling a lot of residual pain.  That pain however, is a good thing and is a sign that you are working the muscles and after a little bit more of working out...the pain diminishes.  Chiropractic care is a natural way to healing a body and the "natural way" isn't always going to work an overnight miracle.  

Another example is a body that has consumed a lot of pollutants like alcohol, drugs, medication, etc.  It takes the body awhile to clear these things out and get back to normal operation.

As time goes on...the pain one might feel after seeing the Chiropractor should cease altogether but like I should let your Chiropractor know of the pain.  He/She may be able to do something for you to help relieve the pain you are feeling.



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