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  • Reimer Wellness Center


    778 Altos Oaks Dr,
    Los Altos, CA 94024

How Nutritional Guidance Enhances Your Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is one of several chiropractic methods to restore your body to optimal wellness. At Reimer Wellness Center, we provide various therapeutic massage techniques, including deep tissue massage, sports massage, and reflexology. Learn more below about just a few ways combining these techniques with nutritional guidance provides impressive results.

Massage Therapy

Chiropractic care is a natural, holistic method of health, healing, and wellness. So, what’s more, natural and holistic than addressing the direct cause of your need for a therapeutic massage?

The sources of pain and tension can vary, but being overweight is often at the root. Carrying excess weight puts more pressure on the spinal column than it was designed to move. Therefore, weight issues are not unusual to be at the core of musculoskeletal problems.

Likewise, it’s not unusual for weight loss to play a role in treatment. And while exercise can undoubtedly play a role in weight loss, addressing negative nutrition habits is essential.

Nutritional Guidance

Weight is one of many reasons to receive nutritional guidance. Others include the following:

Therapeutic massage helps improve your performance through tension relief and improved blood flow. In addition, nutrition can further enhance your performance by fueling your body with what it truly needs.

Specific massages, like deep tissue massage, help the lymphatic system drain. In addition, particular foods can help further drain this system, leading to more comprehensive treatment.

Some foods have anti-inflammatory properties. When they decrease the inflammation in your soft tissues, massage therapy can be even more effective at addressing tension and pain.

These are just a few facts that help explain how nutrition and massage work together. However, you won’t fully comprehend the power of these combined forces in your life until you experience them yourself.

Schedule a Visit with Our Chiropractor

Ready to learn what deep tissue massage, sports massage, or reflexology can do for you? Give our team at Reimer Wellness Center a call at (650) 949-3232 to schedule your appointment today.

Massage therapy is one of several chiropractic methods to restore your body to optimal wellness. At Reimer Wellness Center, we provide various therapeutic massage techniques, including deep tissue massage, sports massage, and reflexology. Learn more below about just a few ways combining these techniques with nutritional guidance provides impressive results.

Massage Therapy

Chiropractic care is a natural, holistic method of health, healing, and wellness. So, what’s more, natural and holistic than addressing the direct cause of your need for a therapeutic massage?

The sources of pain and tension can vary, but being overweight is often at the root. Carrying excess weight puts more pressure on the spinal column than it was designed to move. Therefore, weight issues are not unusual to be at the core of musculoskeletal problems.

Likewise, it’s not unusual for weight loss to play a role in treatment. And while exercise can undoubtedly play a role in weight loss, addressing negative nutrition habits is essential.

Nutritional Guidance

Weight is one of many reasons to receive nutritional guidance. Others include the following:

Therapeutic massage helps improve your performance through tension relief and improved blood flow. In addition, nutrition can further enhance your performance by fueling your body with what it truly needs.

Specific massages, like deep tissue massage, help the lymphatic system drain. In addition, particular foods can help further drain this system, leading to more comprehensive treatment.

Some foods have anti-inflammatory properties. When they decrease the inflammation in your soft tissues, massage therapy can be even more effective at addressing tension and pain.

These are just a few facts that help explain how nutrition and massage work together. However, you won’t fully comprehend the power of these combined forces in your life until you experience them yourself.

Schedule a Visit with Our Chiropractor

Ready to learn what deep tissue massage, sports massage, or reflexology can do for you? Give our team at Reimer Wellness Center a call at (650) 949-3232 to schedule your appointment today.

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778 Altos Oaks Dr
Los Altos, CA 94024