Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Old woman picking flowers

Preventing Gardening and Yard Work Pain

Gardening and doing yard work are great ways to get exercise and enjoy the spring weather. However, these activities can be painful and cause injuries. Pain from gardening and yard work typically happens due to strain on the lower back or other injuries. Back pain acquired from gardening and yard work require treatment. Chiropractic care can alleviate your pain. At Great Plains Chiropractic in West Fargo, ND, we provide natural treatment solutions for yard work pain and other ailments.

How to Prevent Injuries when Doing Yard Work and Gardening 

Unfortunately, avoiding injury isn't always possible. However, if you make sure to pay attention and are careful, you have better chances of avoiding garden work injuries altogether. Stretching before gardening will help loosen your muscles. When bending and kneeling, you need to be careful. Bending over the wrong way can cause injury. Instead of bending over to do garden or yard work, try squatting or kneeling. If your knees aren’t in the best shape, you may be better off sitting on a low stool instead in order to get to things on the ground. If you are lifting heavy objects, always lift with your knees and not your back. If you must bend over, be sure not to contort your spine unnaturally. Try to maintain good posture and keep your spine properly aligned. If you start experiencing pain, take a break.

Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief

If you have injured yourself while doing yard work, seek treatment as soon as possible. When you visit our facility, our chiropractor will perform a physical exam to look for the cause of your pain. After a diagnosis, we will create a personalized treatment plan for you. If you are suffering from back or neck pain, our chiropractor will perform a spinal adjustment. This realigns the spine to alleviate pressure and pain. Depending on your injury, we might also use trigger point therapy, cold laser therapy, muscle stimulation, and more. Our chiropractor will also work with you to improve your posture and help prevent future pain and injuries.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in West Fargo, ND Today

If you are suffering from back pain or other ailments after gardening, we can help. At Great Plains Chiropractic in West Fargo, ND, our chiropractor provides non-invasive, natural treatment solutions for gardening and yard work pain. Our goal is to help you live a happy, healthy life. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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7:30 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


7:30 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 12:00 pm


By Appointment



7:30 am - 5:30 pm
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
By Appointment


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