The 5 Building Blocks Of Good Health

The Holistic Road or The Traditional Medical Model

The typical approach to health hasn’t worked for years. To most people, health means, “I’m not in pain” or “I’m not sick often.” That isn’t true health! Our society isn’t changing its perception of health, we’re simply looking for different ways to pay for it! Yet, people continue to travel down the exact same road, time and time again. Even if we made this road cheaper or added wellness exams, preventative “medicine”, or early detection scans, you’re still traveling down the same road with the same results. And no matter what has changed, you always end up at the same destination: crisis, disease, and early death. But, what’s stopping you from changing up the scenery and making a new road?

The Road Less Traveled

This is where we shine. We don’t want to move you to a cheaper insurance plan and fill you up with prescription pills. We believe in true health: the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. How do we accomplish that?


We want to help you maximize your mind. This is essential is and it’s about understanding the true principle of health and healing to create a mindset of success. After all, it is function and lifestyle, not genetics, that determine well-being. Half of heart disease deaths can be avoided with lifestyle changes. Almost 200,000 lives can be saved if certain heart risk factors are cut, even modestly.


Optimizing your nerve supply involves restoring and maintaining the proper function of the nervous system through spinal correction. George Bakris, MD, Director of the University of Chicago hypertension center found that Chiropractic adjustments reduce blood pressure better than two blood-pressure medications combined. Vertebral misalignment is common in patients with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma. Adjustments caused a 70% improvement in allergic disease. In his study, Yasuhiko Takeda found that vertebral misalignment is a common characteristic found in patients with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma. He also found that chiropractic adjustments caused a 70% improvement in allergic disease.


Increased quality nutrition is nutritional science that sustains well-being, disease prevention, and ideal weight management. Overweight women are up to sixty percent more likely to develop any cancer. Diets loaded with healthy fats significantly reduce your risk of prostate cancer. If we eat more naturally and avoid the processed foods of modern society, we will live healthier lives.


Maximizing oxygen intake and lean muscle mass can help reduce the damaging effects of aging. A study showed that if you learn how to exercise the right way through short bursts of maximum energy output, one can induce a “good” hormone response. Cutting edge exercise programs that work to facilitate optimum fitness in minimal time are your best bet. Just by walking 30 minutes a day, symptoms of depression can improve faster than with pharmaceutical therapy.


Keeping toxin levels down in your body increases its ability to permanently remove toxins from cells. The EPA reports that there are over 70,000 chemicals used commercially. These chemicals are found in household cleaners, plastics, pesticides, personal care products, foods, drugs, water, paints, fabrics, and floor and wall covering are leading causes of cancers, gland issues, and many of today’s common diseases.


Make A New Path

The road most traveled has made people sicker, unhappier, more overweight and more out of shape than ever before seen in human history. The modern medical model is not health care, it’s suppressing symptoms and disease care. Don’t make the mistake of waiting for a crisis to think about your health. So where does the road less traveled take us? One five year study on chiropractic maintenance care showed that chiropractic patients spent 31% less on healthcare and had 50% less medical visits than the national average. This calculates into:

  • 85% less in pharmaceutical costs
  • 59% fewer days in the hospital
  • 2% fewer hospital admissions
  • 62% less patient surgeries

The road less traveled can save families hundreds of thousands on healthcare while avoiding disease and suffering. This sounds pretty logical to me, but you have to make the choice for yourself. This is the road beyond healthcare and wellness.

Here, we study health, not just disease. It’s a complete system for living. We don’t simply treat symptoms; we find and correct the cause of health problems. The choice is clear. Book a consultation with us today!


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1:30 pm - 6:00 pm


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