Report of Findings

On the second visit, which is usually scheduled on the next available day after the initial visit, the patient will begin by going over the report of findings with Dr. Kosak. During the report of findings, Dr. Kosak, will discuss the condition with the patient and usually cover:

What the cause of the condition is

If this condition is correctable with chiropractic and acupuncture care

The severity or grade of the condition

Treatment plan of what it would take to correct and stabilize the condition (which includes recommended visits, frequency, and procedures performed each visit)

At home recommendations

Also answer any other questions the patient may have

After the report of findings with Dr. Kosak, and the agreement to continue from the patient, the treatment plan will begin. Treatment usually consists of a gentle chiropractic adjustment followed by any other therapy recommended.

Following the treatment, the office staff will go over the doctor’s recommendations along with the individual insurance coverage. Our office will do our best to let you know of all patient expenses going forward on the second visit, and we will work out the best payment options available specific to the patient.

New patients receive a free consultation!


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Location


9 - 1 & 3 - 6


9 - 1 & 3 - 6


9 - 1 & 3 - 6


9 - 1 & 3 - 6





