Chiropractor using chiropractic care for knee pain

Chiropractic Care with our Omaha Chiropractor

One of the most common questions we hear at the West Omaha Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic pertains to chiropractic care. We offer comprehensive chiropractic care to individuals in pursuit of all-natural pain relief and general wellness. Learn more about what chiropractic care is and how you can benefit from this type of alternative treatment.

What are the Most Common Types of Chiropractic Care?

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as a spinal realignment, is the most common type of care we provide. This modality allows our chiropractic doctor to reposition your spine and musculoskeletal system to increase your physical wellbeing. We also offer spinal decompression for individuals suffering from back pain or nerve pain, such as a herniated disc or sciatica. Spinal decompression removes the tension on the nerves and spinal discs, thereby reducing inflammation and pain. 

Can Chiropractic Care Aid in Pain Relief?

Chiropractic care offers a multitude of benefits for pain relief. For starters, getting a spinal realignment can reduce pressure on nerve endings and soft tissue. This results in a decrease in inflammation in the affected areas. When inflammation subsides, patients generally see a reduction in their physical pain. We also offer chiropractic care as a preventative measure to help patients avoid future pain.

How Often Should I Receive Chiropractic Treatments?

Regular chiropractic adjustments help the body maintain proper alignment. It also helps you increase circulation of oxygen-rich blood and endorphins. This serves to reduce pain, as well as to expedite healing. As for the number of times you should see a chiropractor for treatments, our chiropractor will determine a treatment program just for you. The way the chiropractor does this is with a preliminary consultation and exam. After identifying any problem areas or treatments needed, our chiropractor will set you up with a schedule of regular chiropractic treatments. 

Seek Chiropractic Care in West Omaha, NE

Whether this is your first experience with a chiropractor in West Omaha, NE or you are searching for a new chiropractic doctor, let us assist you. The West Omaha Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic has been providing patients with quality care for more than 20 years. We offer pain relief, chiropractic adjustments, and improved health and wellness without the use of drugs. To get started with chiropractic care today, contact our office at 402-527-8341. We are currently offering new patients a free consultation with our doctor.


Office Hours


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm



7:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm