It is no secret that neck stretches can alleviate neck pain. You may have dealt with discomfort and tightness in your neck following a poor night of sleep, or from being hunched over all day on a computer. Chiropractic care provides long-term relief for neck pain. If you live in or around Omaha, contact West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. Let’s take a look at some stretches that you can do at home to provide relief for your neck pain.

Seated Clasped Neck Stretch

To accurately perform this stretch, you will need to sit on the floor or in a chair. Make sure that your body is aligned properly. Clasp your hands together and bring both of your palms to the back of your head. You will then gently press your hands down toward your thighs while keeping your chin tucked to your chest. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds while breathing in and out. This stretch is beneficial because it targets your upper back muscles and trapezius.

Upper Trapezius Stretch

Place one of your hands on the lower part of your back, and the other hand on the opposite side of your hand. You can do this stretch while either sitting or standing. Looking straight ahead, pull your head toward your shoulder until you feel your neck is stretched. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side. This stretch is beneficial because it targets your upper trapezius.


To do this stretch, you will need to lie on the floor face up. Make sure that you bend your knees and keep your feet at hip-width. Lift your hips off of the floor using your palms and keep your feet pressed on the floor. Clasp your hands together under your pelvis while extending them through your arms. Make sure that your lower back is pressed against the ground. Hold this position for two diaphragmatic breath cycles. This stretch is beneficial because it improves your middle back and thoracic spine mobility.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Omaha, NE

Do these stretches at home for neck pain relief. If these stretches aren’t enough, contact West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. Call our team today at (402) 334-4700 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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