boy getting chiropractic care in Omaha

The Benefit of a Back to School Chiropractic Exam

When the kids go back to school, why not consider the benefit of scheduling a chiropractic examination? Though the two events may not seem like they fit, a chiropractic exam can help ensure that you start the year in the best condition possible. Whether it is an exam for you, as a parent or student, or one for your son or daughter, West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic provides the one on one support you need.

Why Get a Chiropractic Exam?

We recommend chiropractic exams on a routine basis. This is an excellent time to bring your child in for an exam to ensure he or she has a healthy spine. There are several reasons for this.

  • We can be sure that your child's spinal development over the last year is good. This can help to catch any concerns with curvature early on. We recommend scheduling an exam annually. Doing so at the start of school can help ensure that you remember to bring your child in.

  • This time of the year is often the kick off to a variety of sports programs. If your son or daughter is active, this type of care is essential. We can work to prevent any type of injury from occurring while also addressing any concerns. Strengthening and condition can also be a good investment at this time.

  • It is also a good time for you to come in for your annual exam. Parents may have a bit more free time during the day for an exam. Let's make sure your posture is good and you are not suffering from neck or back pain.

Scheduling an annual chiropractic exam helps us to prevent the onset of more worrisome health conditions. And, it gives us a chance to talk about any neck, back, or joint pain you have. If there are concerns, we can schedule chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, or other care for you right away. With the holiday season just around the corner, it is very important to make now the time you get your spine in order. Make a chiropractic exam just as important as your annual physical.

Schedule a Back to School Chiropractic Exam Today with Your Omaha Chiropractor

Contact West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic to schedule a back to school chiropractic exam for you or your loved one. Dr. Trevor Wagner, Dr. Julie Owen-Wagner, and Dr. Ron Evans are available to help you in our Omaha chiropractic office. To schedule an appointment with your chiropractor, contact us at 402-334-4700.


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