Man suffering from whiplash

Whiplash FAQs from our Omaha Chiropractor

If you recently obtained an auto accident injury, finding appropriate treatment to reduce pain and get your body back into optimal health is a necessity. Calling West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic in Omaha to assist with whiplash remedies will help if you are suffering from this condition. Here are some frequently asked questions about whiplash to read over to help you minimize discomfort if you are currently in pain from this type of injury.

What Exactly Is A Whiplash Injury?

Whiplash occurs when the neck is stretched in a manner where it moves beyond its normal range of motion. This injury often occurs as a result of a vehicular accident or a sports injury. When the neck moves in an unnatural way, often very quickly, the muscles and ligaments become injured.

Are There Ways To Prevent Whiplash From Happening?

Unfortunately, whiplash can occur any time the neck is moved outside of its normal motion range. When you are in a vehicle, make sure your headrest is properly positioned to cradle the back of your head. This may not stop whiplash completely but may be beneficial in stopping your neck from snapping back quickly, depending on the impact sustained.

What Can A Chiropractor Do To Help My Situation?

Our chiropractor will tailor a plan to provide you with treatment actions to minimize the discomfort you are experiencing. After an assessment of the extent of your injury is done, a mix of chiropractic adjustments, temperature therapy, stretching and exercises under supervision, and recommendations for lifestyle changes will be administered. Our procedures are all done without the use of medication and are not invasive, making them great options to coincide with your family doctor's treatment plan.

Schedule an Appointment with West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic in Omaha, NE Today!

If you are interested in finding out more about how our chiropractor can help you find relief from whiplash after an auto accident injury incident, give West Omaha Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic in Omaha, NE a call today. Our chiropractor is ready to tailor a treatment plan specific to your injury. Contact us at (402) 334-4700 to set up an appointment for a free consultation.


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