Your 5-Star Chiropractor Jacksonville

The most gentle, accurate, and scientifically-based chiropractic care Jacksonville

We understand how challenging it can be to deal with chronic discomfort and pain. Whether you're struggling with neck pain, back pain, migraines, dizziness, sciatica, or any other health issue, our Jacksonville-based chiropractic care is here to help you find relief without resorting to surgery or medication.

Comprehensive Care for a Wide Range of Symptoms

As your local chiropractor near you in Jacksonville, we specialize in the Atlas Orthogonal (AO) Method, addressing a vast array of health concerns, including: Migraines and Headaches, Vertigo and Dizziness, Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Seizures, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Scoliosis, TMJ Disorders, Shoulder Pain, Hip Pain, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Allergies, Sinus Problems, Immune System Function, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Acid Reflux, Anxiety and Depression, Stress, Sleep Disorders, Posture, Energy Levels, Concentration and Focus, Whiplash, Sports Injuries, Work-Related Injuries, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritis, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Colic, Developmental Delays, Ear Infections, Balance and Coordination, and Joint Degeneration.

The Atlas Orthogonal Difference: Revolutionary Chiropractic Care in Jacksonville

At Sanders Chiropractic, we're proud to offer the most gentle, accurate, and scientifically-based chiropractic care near you in Jacksonville. Our Atlas Orthogonal treatment is a game-changer in the world of chiropractic care. But what exactly is Atlas Orthogonal treatment, and how does it differ from traditional chiropractic methods?

What is Atlas Orthogonal Treatment?

Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a specialized upper cervical chiropractic technique that focuses on the precise alignment of the atlas vertebra - the topmost bone in your spine. This vertebra is crucial because it supports your skull and allows for the majority of head movement. When misaligned, it can impact your entire spine and nervous system, leading to a wide range of health issues.

How is Atlas Orthogonal Different from Other Chiropractic Methods?

  1. Precision: Unlike traditional chiropractic methods that involve manual adjustments to various parts of the spine, AO uses advanced imaging and mathematical calculations to determine the exact angle of misalignment in the atlas vertebra.
  2. Gentle Approach: Traditional chiropractic often involves "cracking" or forceful manipulation. In contrast, AO uses a specially designed instrument that delivers a gentle, precise sound wave to realign the atlas. This makes it ideal for patients who are sensitive to manual adjustments or have acute pain.
  3. Non-Invasive: The AO method doesn't require any twisting, cracking, or popping of the spine. The treatment is so gentle that many patients don't even feel it happening.
  4. Scientifically Based: AO treatment is rooted in detailed anatomical understanding and precise measurements. We use specific X-rays and mathematical formulas to calculate the exact correction needed for each individual patient.
  5. Whole-Body Impact: By focusing on the atlas vertebra, AO can have far-reaching effects throughout the body. Proper alignment of the atlas can improve overall spinal alignment, nervous system function, and even affect issues seemingly unrelated to the spine.

We're committed to providing superior chiropractic treatment in Jacksonville by offering this advanced, gentle care to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Our Unique Approach to Your Health

We don't just treat symptoms - we identify and correct the underlying causes of your health problems. We believe in the body's innate ability to heal itself when given the right conditions. Our approach is based on the understanding that your nervous system is the master regulator of your body. By ensuring it functions without interference, we help your body heal and regulate itself naturally.

Your Path to Wellness with Your Jacksonville Chiropractor

We offer two primary treatment options to restore your health and get you out of pain:

  1. Atlas Orthogonal: This gentle technique uses your individual measurements and precisely calculated sound waves to realign your atlas vertebra, freeing your nervous system to function optimally.
  2. Spinal Decompression: This traction-based therapy is designed to alleviate back and neck pain without drugs or surgery. It's particularly effective for conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and sciatica.

Why Choose Sanders Chiropractic as Your Chiropractor Near You in Jacksonville?

We're deeply committed to the Jacksonville community. We consider it a privilege to serve the people of this vibrant city, helping them achieve optimal health and wellness. Our love for Jacksonville drives us to provide the highest quality chiropractic care to our family, friends and neighbors.

Are you ready to experience the difference that precise, gentle chiropractic care can make in your life? Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Call your trusted chiropractor near you in Jacksonville today at 904-744-4100 to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a pain-free, vibrant life.

At Sanders Chiropractic, we're not just treating symptoms - we're transforming lives, one spine at a time. Experience the most gentle, accurate, and scientifically-based chiropractic care near you in Jacksonville. 

Your journey to wellness starts here!


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Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am-1:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm




8:30 am-1:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


Every Other Week

9:00 am to 12:00



Meet the Chiropractor

  • Dr. Kim Sanders

    Dr. Kim Sanders has been practicing chiropractic care in the Jacksonville area since 2000. As a board certified Atlas Orthogonist, Dr. Sanders is well-versed and practiced in the technique, having interned with Atlas Orthogonal founder, Dr. Roy Sweat.

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Reviews From Our Satisfied Patients

  • "“Dr. Sanders is a great and caring Doctor. He takes the time to truly understand my problem and worked with me, recommending dietary changes and exercise programs as well as Upper Cervical Chiropractic care. I have been under Chiropractic care since I was a child and Dr Sanders is one of the best Chiropractors I have ever had treat me. I have been under his care for the past 5 years and I would follow him wherever he goes.”"
    - V.N.
  • "“This doctor is a must see!! I have been seeing Dr. Sanders for a little over a year and I will follow him anywhere. I had been diagnosed with upper herniated discs and going to another chiropractor for 10 years. When I switched to Dr. Sanders, what a difference – he gave me a new lease on life. I pass out his card whenever someone asks me what is wrong when wearing my collar after an adjustment. No more pain in my neck after I don’t know how long. Thank you so much!”"
    - K.E
  • "“I have been a patient of Dr. Sanders for several years, and he is the best! I was suffering from severe lower back pain when we met. I was described as a “difficult case”, and Dr. Sanders began treating me and encouraging me along the way. Thanks to his exceptional training and skills, I am virtually pain free and once again living a healthy, happy, and active lifestyle. Dr. Sanders is professional, compassionate and caring, and I highly recommend him to anyone seeking chiropractic care.”"
    - T.W.