At Atlas Chiropractic, you can expect a relaxed, comfortable experience from your first visit on. Dr. Hamer is informative throughout the chiropractic process and performs his adjustments precisely and gently.

Your first day will consist of a focused physical exam with a light spinal adjustment. In some cases, further evaluation is necessary before performing the adjustment. Throughout the process, Dr. Hamer will keep you abreast of all procedures and the benefit of each adjustment and chiropractic technique and any recommended therapies.

A report of findings that explains Dr. Hamer’s diagnosis of the problem, how chiropractic can help, how much it will cost, and approximately how long the treatment plan is scheduled for will also be included.

Dr. Hamer’s style is precise, isolating the specific vertebrae that are causing discomfort or pain. Dr. Hamer uses a gentle approach during the adjustment to allow the body to gradually change, creating a healthier, more efficient, pain free, self sustaining mechanism.

Atlas Chiropractic’s goal is to help patients establish a healthy, efficient and pain free body system. Our patients are educated and informed on how to practice self-care that creates ongoing balance and overall chiropractic health. This means that there is always an end-date, with regular chiropractic maintenance through office visits only as necessary after that date.

What to bring:

It may be more comfortable to bring shorts or a t-shirt to change into for your adjustments, but you certainly don't have to. We provide gowns and shorts and always practice proper draping techniques.