The Benefits of The Graston Technique

man suffering from shoulder pain

The Benefits of the Graston Technique

Campion Chiropractic Clinic located in College Station, Texas, is your place for Graston Technique.  We are here to provide treatment for a number of conditions that cause pain. One method we use is the Graston Technique.  Dr. Campion and Dr. Sehorn are Graston certified. See our website for a video on Graston Technique at

Graston Technique Treatment

Used to reduce fascial restrictions, adhesions and scar tissue to improve the range of motion and reduce pain, the Graston Technique is a form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. By introducing a microtrauma with the Graston Technique tool, an inflammatory response is elicited, which kick-starts the body’s natural healing ability. The stainless steel instrument glides along the patient’s muscle, tendons or ligaments with the right amount of pressure to detect just where the scar tissue or restrictions are located. This form of treatment has several benefits.

Decreases Recovery Time

Recovery time, when compared with other treatment techniques, is greatly reduced when the Graston Technique is used as part of a larger treatment plan. By focusing on the root of a problem and treating pain directly, the amount of time needed to recover from an injury is greatly reduced.

Reduces Painkiller Usage

By targeting the cause of pain, the Graston Technique can reduce or eliminate the need for over the counter (OTC) or habit-forming prescription pain medications. The opioid epidemic in the U.S. has reached epic proportions and those with chronic pain conditions are most at risk. In addition, OTC pain meds often come with an extensive list of side effects such as liver damage and upset stomach and even bleeding. The Graston Technique can reduce or even eliminate the need for any painkiller usage.

Improve Chronic Pain Conditions

Chronic conditions are often the most difficult to successfully treat. The Graston Technique can break up debilitating injuries of the soft tissue that lead to pain and loss of movement, thus reducing pain and restoring mobility and get you back in the game.

Hamstring and Low Back Pain Relief

Studies have shown that the Graston Technique is exceptionally effective at reducing pain in the lower back and hamstring. These areas are often considered difficult to treat effectively. However, with the use of this treatment method, Dr. Campion and Dr. Sehorn can help patients experience an increased range of motion as well as a reduction in pain.

Call Our Chiropractor in College Station TX Today!

To find a Graston Technique chiropractor in College Station TX, give the Campion Chiropractic Clinic staff a call at 979-693-6500, stop by our offices in College Station, Texas or schedule an appointment online now at



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