Common Questions about Neck Pain Relief

Common Questions about Neck Pain Relief

It can be hard to deal with neck pain and discomfort when you’re not sure what’s causing your condition. A visit to Campion Chiropractic in College Station, Texas can help you get an accurate diagnosis so you can get treatment. These questions and answers compiled by our chiropractors explain more about neck pain causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Why Am I Experiencing Neck Pain?

Various factors can cause or contribute to neck pain and discomfort. Poor ergonomics as you work on your computer day after day can cause neck pain. Neck pain can be caused by an auto or sports injury. Extensive cell phone or tablet use can lead to neck pain, as you’re putting pressure on neck muscles when you look down for hours. Sleeping with too many pillows can also cause neck pain.

How Can I Avoid Neck Pain?

By being careful when you drive and play sports, you can avoid accidental neck injuries that can cause pain and discomfort. Improve your ergonomics at the office to avoid putting pressure on neck muscles when using your computer. Keep cell phone and tablet use in balance with activity to avoid text neck pain.

How Can Campion Chiropractic Help with Neck Pain?

Chiropractic care can help reduce neck pain and discomfort caused by muscle tension or musculoskeletal injury. At Campion Chiropractic ,we will first evaluate your condition to determine the cause of your pain and see if you’re a candidate for chiropractic treatment. If so, we’ll discuss options for reducing pain and helping you heal.

If your pain stems from misalignments in your spine, spinal adjustments can help reduce your pain by restoring balance to your skeletal system. Cervical manipulation will ease muscle tension to alleviate pain and improve mobility. Massage therapy can increase blood circulation to your neck injury to promote faster healing. Rehab exercises can strengthen neck muscles and joints to prevent future injuries.

Visit Campion Chiropractic Clinic for Neck Pain Relief

Don’t let neck pain lower your quality of life. Contact Campion Chiropractic in College Station at 979-693-6500 today for relief from neck pain and receive soothing therapies and rehab exercises to get you back on track with your family and sports activities.




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