Yard Work & Gardening

Chiropractic Needs after Yard Work this Fall

At Campion Chiropractic in College Station, Texas we understand how much time you love to spend gardening and doing yard work. When neck, low back, or muscle pain stops you from the outdoor activities that you love, it's time to give chiropractic a try. With a wide range of treatment modalities, we are able to treat clients who are dealing with pain, stiffness, and poor range of motion after spending time doing work outdoors. To improve your overall health and stay active, a visit to a chiropractor can make a big difference.

Muscle Pain and Chiropractic in College Station

Muscle pain is common after gardening or other yard work. Overuse or overexertion activities can cause loss of range of movement, neck, low back, muscle pain, and stiffness. When you are not able to spend time in your yard because of muscle pain or back pain, a chiropractor can help. With a careful assessment of your symptoms, you will begin treatment to address the alignment of your spine and muscle pain.

Treatment from Campion Chiropractic Clinic

Treatment for muscle pain from Dr. Sehorn or Dr. Campion in College Station may include stretching, hot or cold therapy, traction, massage, ultrasound, cold laser or spinal decompression if a disc problem is involved, and other manual soothing therapies. You will work closely with our chiropractic team to address your pain and work on learning new ways to move that help reduce your pain. You may be taught strengthening exercises to help you maintain better posture while out gardening. Doing work in your yard does not have to leave you in pain for days when you work with a chiropractor.

Visit Campion Chiropractic in College Station Today

Muscle pain, stiffness, and poor range of motion do not have to be normal after you spend time doing yard work. If you have been gardening or raking leaves and are not able to enjoy yourself because of muscle pain, call Campion Chiropractic at 979-693-6500 and set up a FREE consultation. You will be able to heal from your injuries when the right treatment plan is developed. Call today!



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