How to Know if You Have a Herniated Disc

A herniated disc can be incredibly painful, but fortunately there are things that our chiropractor can do to help you. If you believe you have a herniated disc, call our chiropractic care office. We at Campion Chiropractic, serving Bryan, TX, and College Station, TX, know a lot about disc herniation symptoms how to help treat them.


One of the first symptoms that many people notice with a herniated disc is the pain. Unfortunately, back pain is also a symptom of several other problems. With a herniated disc, the pain usually radiates from the lower part of the spine and is particularly noticeable when sitting or lying down.

Many people will also feel pain in the arms or legs. This is because a herniated disc can affect the nerves around it, particularly those that are attached to the extremities. When this happens, the nerves can often "cross signals," essentially causing the brain to read the signals from the arms or legs as pain.

If you are experiencing any type of severe pain, make an appointment to see our medical professional. Self-diagnosis can be inaccurate. One way to know if you really have a herniated disc is to get a set of x-rays taken of the affected area.

Tingling and Numbness 

When a disc becomes herniated, it moves away from its proper place in the spinal column. That means that it can affect the nerves around the spinal column. Specifically, it may create pressure on nerves that reach to your hands or feet, causing a tingling sensation in those areas. Similarly, completely cutting off the nerve can create a feeling of numbness.

Contact Us for More Information from Our Chiropractor about Disc Herniation Symptoms and Self Diagnosis

If you live in the Bryan, TX, or College Station, TX, area and you think you have a herniated disc, call our chiropractic care office at (979) 693-6500 Campion Chiropractic. You don't need to rely on self-diagnosis. Have our professional help you.



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