End of Summer and Visiting a Chiropractor

couple biking in the woods

Spinal Alignment with Your Chiropractor

At Campion Chiropractic in College Station, Texas,  we understand that you like to have fun in the summer months and might push yourself a bit harder than normal. If you are now dealing with joint pains, back pain, or shoulder pain, a visit to Campion Chiropractic for a consultation can make a big difference. When your spine is in better alignment, you will have less overall pain and more mobility.

Treatment When Summer Is Over

Chiropractic care can allow you to reduce pain and decrease inflammation when you reach the end of summer and are ready to get back to school or work. Dr. Sehorn and Dr. Campion in College Station, Texas will take a careful look at your spine to determine what is causing your pain and stiffness. Once you go through an assessment, the doctors at Campion Chiropractic will develop a treatment plan that is specific for you. It's possible to heal and get relief from pain and stiffness by working with the doctors at Campion Chiropractic once you are ready to start.

Chiropractic Care and Strategies Used

Treatment will depend on the area where you have pain, and what is causing the pain. If your spine is out of alignment, Dr. Sehorn and Dr. Campion will use spinal adjustments to get your spine back in line. If you have areas that are not moving correctly or are compressed, stretching and decompression techniques will be used. Campion Chiropractic may use myofascial techniques to stimulate circulation and relax muscles, electric stim, ultrasound & advanced techniques like Graston therapy to break up scar tissue. Hot and cold therapies are often also used, as well as teaching you stretching and strengthening exercises to improve the function of your body. When you are in pain, chiropractic treatment is a healing modality that doesn't rely on pain medication to help you recover.

Visit Campion Chiropractic Clinic Today

When you have back pain, shoulder pain or joint pains after an active summer, it's time to visit Campion Chiropractic in College Station. Call us today at 979-693-6500 and set up your chiropractic treatment. 



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