Colorado Springs MASSAGE

  • What Should I Do About My Pain?

    No one really wants to be a worrier. We certainly don't want to visit our chiropractor or family doctor for every ache and pain. But eventually we all experience physical problems and it may be difficult to know what to do about them. Some problems are immediate and serious. If you suddenly experience

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  • What Should I Do for a Herniated Disc?

    Herniated discs in the lumbar spine are fairly common and having one doesn’t sentence you to a lifetime of back problems. In fact, at least one-third of people over age 30 are found to have one or more herniated discs in the lower back when a magnetic resonance imaging study (MRI) is done for reasons

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  • What's Wrong with My Back?

    Not all back problems are created equal. One person may have been working on a home improvement project and injured her back while simultaneously bending and twisting. Another person may have developed back pain as a result of a vehicular collision. Another person may be experiencing back pain as a result

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  • When Is Back Pain More Than Back Pain?

    Out of the blue, your back starts to hurt. At first, it's just an annoyance. You can live with it. You've had lower back pain before and it went away on its own. Now it's a few weeks later. You've got a low-grade pain that's not getting any better. You're actually worse, in fact, because your back

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  • Why Do My Knees Hurt?

    It seems that as they get older, many people expect their knees to give out. Osteoarthritis of the knee is, in fact, common in those over age 50 and knee arthroscopy is one of the most frequently done orthopedic surgeries.1 Also, increasing numbers of people are undergoing total knee replacements. The

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  • Chiropractic Objective

    What truly differentiates doctors of chiropractic from any other healthcare professionals is the fact that chiropractors are the only professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat what are called spinal subluxations. The word "subluxation" comes from the Latin words meaning "somewhat or slight"

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  • Effects of Chiropractic Care

    Wellness requires you to be a proactive agent for your body. You need to treat it well and not wait until you hurt before you decide to take care of it. As we've said before health is not merely the absence of disease any more than wealth is an absence of poverty. Let's remember health is not simply

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  • Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness and pain. People with scoliosis have a sideways curve in their spine that makes an "S" or "C" shape. Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness and pain. It is called an idiopathic disease because the cause of it

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  • Osteoporosis

    Although most chiropractors don't directly treat Osteoporosis, chiropractic care directly addresses spinal misalignments, which in turn directly impact proper functioning of the nerve system.. Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease involving loss of bone tissue and the disorganization of bone structure.

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  • Carpal Tunnel

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) has become one of the most widespread occupational health problems we face today. It affects millions of people a year, and with our growing reliance on computers there seems to be no end in sight.The syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve just above the wrist.

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  • Auto Accidents

    Numerous studies have shown that years after auto accident victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been involved in a car accident, your injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of some

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  • The Quest for Strong Abs

    The abs rule. As a result of this not-so-subtle imperative, a flat abdominal musculature is one of the primary goals of all exercise programs. Flat abdominals have great aesthetic appeal, not only to the "owner" of those abs, but also to the person's spouse or partner. Of course, a flat abdominal musculature

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  • Self-Actualization and Regular Chiropractic Care

    Whether you're going out for a walk or a run, to the gym to lift weights, or to the pool to swim a few laps, the self-affirmation involved in the concept of "going out" or "going to" something for the sake of exercise is quite substantial. For most of us, it takes an extra effort, an extra application

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  • The Skating Rink

    In his 1856 journal, the great American philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau wrote, "I love the winter, with its imprisonment and its cold, for it compels the prisoner to try new fields and resources." Thoreau, a fearless explorer of inner and outer landscapes, welcomed opportunities to learn

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  • Taking Care in Winter Weather

    The onset of winter does not signal the end of exercise and outdoors activities. There's plenty of skiing and snowboarding available in the Northeast, the American Rockies, across Canada, and even in Southern California. For those who like their exercise with less dramatic velocity and acceleration,

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  • Cold Snap

    As the weather turns colder, our metabolism begins to slow ever so noticeably. This change is nature’s design to synchronize our systems with the world around us and conserve resources. Instead of pitting ourselves against the laws of nature, it's a much wiser course of action to do our best to align

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7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm