
*Results Vary see below

"I feel a sense of euphoria after my sessions-lots of energy & I love the way I look in a swimsuit this year. I would highly recommend it." Tina K., Real Estate Mgmt.


Designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite, Endermologie is the first non-invasive device approved by the FDA specifically for this purpose. Cellulite occurs when fat cells protrude from around the connective tissue that attaches skin to muscle-and tends to develop in almost 90% of women at some point. Before Endermologie, cellulite treatments generally met with mixed reactions: many people swear by creams and special diets, while doctors insisted that those products do not produce actual results. The latest craze in cellulite treatment is Endermologie, the brand name for a type of roller massage therapy that has been clinically proven to reduce and even erase the signs of cellulite.

Endermologie uses a mechanical roller and regulated suction to create symmetrical skin folds, temporarily stimulating circulation to the
area. Women_exercising.jpgEach Endermologie treatment lasts 35 minutes, and patients typically need a dozen or more treatments for visible results. After the desired effect is achieved, the patient will need to maintain the effects of the cellulite treatment with additional Endermologie sessions at less frequent intervals. Because this cellulite treatment addresses only the appearance of cellulite, and not the root causes, bumps and dimples may reappear in the months after Endermologie treatments cease unless maintenance sessions are performed. One treatment each month is recommended but most enjoy weekly treatments as part of their wellness protocol.

The long-term results of this non-invasive treatment have not been established, but Endermologie has been used as a method of cellulite treatment since 1996 in the United States, and users claim that it can also be used to soften burn scars and connective tissue. When Endermologie is used in order to treat the appearance of cellulite, it is often combined with liposuction to improve results. Because Endermologie is, in fact, able to improve the appearance of cellulite, its popularity continues to grow, and the treatment is now widely available, with many cosmetic surgeons offering the service in their clinics or offices.

For more information about Endermologie click on link below:


before and afterfemale torso

*Results Vary See below


"I came to CHC primarily for weight loss. I am happy to say that after several Endermologie treatments I have lost 6 pounds and one dress size!! I noticed my hips, thighs and buttocks appear smaller and a little firmer. The cellulite is not so noticeable. However, I still don't wear "shorts" yet, I'm looking forward to the other Endo treatments for even better results!!" R.S., Cosmetologist

"I feel rejuvenated and energized after my Endermologie treatments and it is reducing the appearance of cellulite in those "problem" areas. I'm now ready for swimsuit season!" Michelle L., Homemaker, Mom

Be Proactive.....
Call us today for your inital consultation &
first treatment for only $65.00
(includes Endermo-Wear Bodysuit- a $30 value)

*Every effort has been made to accurately represent all products and services on this site. There is no guarantee that you will get specific results by following the ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee.


Chiropractic Health Center/Hannan Wellness 504.454.2000

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  • "My health has improved considerably thanks to Dr. Hannan"
    Jane Doe / Metairie, Louisiana
  • "I have benefited tremendously from the chiropractic care I received from Dr. Hannan."
    John Doe, Metairie, Louisiana