Austin Herniated Disc Doctor

Austin Chiropractic and Rehab specializes in treating patients experiencing pain resulting from a bulging disc or herniated disc (also referred to as a "slipped disc" or "ruptured disc.")  

Our Austin herniated disc doctor, Dr. Shawn McHone, focuses on the underlying cause of your pain and alleviating it through various natural, nonsurgical treatments.  Bulging discs are common in both adults and seniors.

herniated disc doctor in Austin TX

What Is A Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc, Slipped Disc? 

A herniated disk refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (disks) that sit between the individual bones (vertebrae) that stack to make your spine.

A spinal disk has a soft, jellylike center (nucleus) encased in a tougher, rubbery exterior (annulus). Sometimes called a slipped disk or a ruptured disk, a herniated disk occurs when some of the nucleus pushes out through a tear in the annulus.

A herniated disk, which can occur in any part of the spine, can irritate a nearby nerve. Depending on where the herniated disk is, it can result in pain, numbness or weakness in an arm or leg.  Many people have no symptoms from a herniated disk. The  good news is surgery is usually not necessary to relieve the problem. A chiropractor near you such as our Austin herniated disc doctor can offer nonsurgical options for your specific situation.

Causes Of A Herniated Disc

Disk herniation is most often the result of a gradual, aging-related wear and tear called disk degeneration. As you age, your disks become less flexible and more prone to tearing or rupturing with even a minor strain or twist.

Most people can't pinpoint the cause of their herniated disk. Sometimes, using your back muscles instead of your leg and thigh muscles to lift heavy objects can lead to a herniated disk, as can twisting and turning while lifting. Rarely, a traumatic event such as a fall or a blow during a car crash to the back is the cause. If that's the case, a car accident doctor near you or wherever you live can help address that.

Symptoms Of A Herniated Disc

Most herniated disks occur in the lower back, although they can also occur in the neck. Signs and symptoms depend on where the disk is situated and whether the disk is pressing on a nerve. They usually affect one side of the body. Some of the common symptoms our herniated disc doctor in Austin, TX sees include:

  • Arm or leg pain. If your herniated disk is in your lower back, you'll typically feel the most pain in your buttocks, thigh and calf. You might have pain in part of the foot, as well. If your herniated disk is in your neck, you'll typically feel the most pain in your shoulder and arm. This pain might shoot into your arm or leg when you cough, sneeze or move into certain positions. Pain is often described as sharp or burning.
  • Numbness or tingling. People who have a herniated disk often have radiating numbness or tingling in the body part served by the affected nerves.
  • Weakness. Muscles served by the affected nerves tend to weaken. This can cause you to stumble, or affect your ability to lift or hold items.

You can have a herniated disk without symptoms. You might not know you have it unless it shows up on a spinal image.

Treatment For Disc Herniation: Therapies & Techniques From Our Austin Herniated Disc Doctors

There are several types of techniques and therapies our Austin herniated disc doctor utilizes for treatment of a disc herniation (bulging disc, slipped disc, etc.):

  • Adjustments - correct spinal alignment reduces pressure and stress to a disc while restoring mobility.
  • Rehabilitation and Strengthening - Dr. McHone incorporates rehabilitation and strengthening into every treatment plan. Every rehabilitation plan designed by Dr. McHone is customized to the needs and goals of each patient. 
  • Therapy - provides relief to relax and soothe tight muscles

Our Austin walk in chiropractor uses a combination of techniques to properly treat herniated disc, so that patients are taken out of pain as quickly as possible..

Call Our Austin Herniated Disc Doctor Today For An Appointment!

For over 30 years, our patients have experienced relief from pain associated with herniated discs or bulging discs.  If you have any questions regarding treatments, need a back pain Doctor in Austin, or need any other service at Austin Chiropractic and Rehab, call our Austin herniated disc doctor at (512) 451-0115 to schedule an appointment!


What is the difference between a herniated disc, bulging disc, and sciatica?

 The disc is a shock absorbing cushion that separates two vertebrae. Inside the disc is a jelly like substance that is normally contained within the fibers of the disc. However, postural stress, accidents and falls can misalign vertebrae and tear these fibers allowing the jelly in the center of the disc to bulge out and put pressure on the nerves. This is referred to as Sciatica or pain down along the course of the sciatic nerve into the buttocks and to the leg.  Sciatica can also cause weakness, tingling and numbness along the path of the nerve from your low back to your foot. A herniated or extruded disc is when the jelly is no longer contained within the confines of the disc.

If I have a herniated disc, do I need surgery?

Not always! According to one study: “Reduced odds of surgery were observed for... those whose first provider was a chiropractor. 42.7 percent of workers with back pain who first saw a back surgeon had surgery in contrast to 1.5 % of those who saw a chiropractor: - Keeney et al (2012) Spine

What is the incidence of Low Back Pain?

Low back pain affects up to 90 percent of the population at some point in their lives. It is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office,outnumbered only by respiratory infections. Some studies show as many as 40 percent of people will experience sciatica at some point in their lives.

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