Webster Technique

Many mothers are told in the third trimester if their baby doesn’t turn to be in a head down position, they will be forced to have a cesarean section due to the increased rate of traumatic injury during delivery. With over one third of women in the United States having cesarean sections how does the Webster technique play a role?

The Webster technique requires no medication and has no negative side effects, making it a prudent step in prenatal care. In fact, there are often positive side effects to removing intra-uterine constraint for the baby besides the potential for vertex positioning. Without intra-uterine constraint, your baby has more room for movement and proper in-utero development. Free of pelvic and sacral misalignments, the birth canal diameter is maximized, thus decreasing your chances for difficult labor and additional complications during delivery. Due to the gentle nature of the Webster technique, it is a safe approach for almost all pregnancies, including many high-risk situations.

According to the Journal of Manipulative Therapy 92% of women who had the Webster technique performed on them resulted in resolution of their breech position.