Third Quarterly Newsletter

Third Quarterly Newsletter

The ACA Rehab Council quarterly newsletter features full stories and content from around the web. Here you will be able to directly access social platforms, read highlighted blog posts, get a quick overview of articles from our journal, and other items. Enjoy!

Website Updates:

Thanks to all your feedback, we are noticing some big improvements to website features. Articles are easier to access, docs can be searched for and found, colleges are starting to get involved, new symposium landing page, and there are a number of fun & informative videos and interactive media elements. If you haven't seen some of these new features, check out the website and let us know how we're doing!

Symposium Page:

The 2019 Symposium is fast approaching. Our new symposium page is full of speakers, videos, and an easy access registration form to streamline sign-ups. Links from the page offer additional information about venue locations, hotel discount links, and direct access to many of our sponsors and vendors. 

Social Media:

The technology team has been hard at work developing content and giving members access to keep the knowledge flowing. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are currently on FIRE with new videos and clinically relevant information for all levels of provider. If you don't follow us on social media yet, consider visiting our pages to see for yourself all the new content!

Rehab Symposium 2019:

More speakers, more students, more activities, more sponsors, and even more food! Our 20th anniversary celebration is pulling out all the stops to bring the biggest event the council has ever thrown. And we're not done yet! Each month brings new opportunities to develop more content for the upcoming symposium. Stay tuned, stay involved, and get excited for what's coming your way. 

Call for Action

We're constantly looking for fresh faces and ideas to help expand our leadership. We need docs from a variety of backgrounds to help keep our growing organization moving forward to become the best chiropractic specialty council there is! If you've ever thought of working together with the council, now's your chance. Let us know that you're available and we'll get you involved. Use our contact us page or email a council member directly to start things off. Looking forward to it!

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Providing and promoting information and courses for educational programs in physiological therapeutics and rehabilitation to its members.

Interested in advertising on our rehab website? Please contact our VP, Amanda Fisher