Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy 

massback.jpg"NCWC has outstanding therapeutic massage therapists.  I have seen several physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and masseuse over the last several years for chronic back, neck, and hand pain. None have provided the outstanding care and results I receive at NCWC. They have the ability to pinpoint areas that are the source of the problem and works with intelligence, confidence, awareness and sensitivity. They have an amazing tactile responsiveness: strong, firm, gentle and intuitive. Their ability to release deep muscle tension while promoting deep, restorative relaxation has had a profound effect on my health. I've experienced tremendous improvement and significant reduction of pain. The massage therapists are caring and compassionate professionals who have a truly healing touch." 

- Lisa R.

"NCWC has very special massage therapists with superb techniques and compassion for their patients. I have been seeing them weekly for over two years now and I can easily say that they have made a great difference in my quality of life. Not only have they helped me resolve a chronic upper back/shoulder and neck issue but they have also caught numerous starting injuries and helped resolve them before they became debilitating. I am a 61 year old male that has been extremely active all my life and I continue to work out about 4 times per week. I am religious about stretching and keeping my flexibility but it simply isn't enough. The extra care that NCWC has been able to provide has made a huge difference in keeping me injury free. I have had numerous people work on me over the years including many massage therapists. The massage therapists at NCWC are unique, however, because of their attention to detail and their methodical progression over an entire affected area. Whenever we identify a tender area, they work the entire area systematically, slowly and with great precision. I love the intensity of their pressure and that they really take the time to release the tension not only in the area that is sensitive but also in any supporting muscles and tendons." - S.P., PhD

"Here are a few sentences about what massage has done to improve my health. I have gotten a massage from NCWC about every other week for more than two years now. I have benefited immensely. I have cerebral palsy that limits the mobility of my right side, especially my ankle, hip, and shoulder. NCWC has managed to reduce my pain and increase my mobility around each of those joints. That is no small feat, especially since as an intermediate bicyclist I manage to continually re-injury the areas NCWC repairs. Nonetheless I feel better and better. And last year with NCWC's help, I managed to post a personal best time on the Mt. Washington bicycle climb." - John M.

"This place is an oasis for me. Everything from the reception to the services are done with the utmost compassionate professionalism. Although my primary reason for coming is the expert massage therapy, I'm determined to utilize other services as well in the future. For 4 years they has given me intervals of total relaxation and rejuvenation. They always provides expert, thoughtful advise and insight on optimizing my overall wellness. The physical spaces are quiet, welcoming and well-equipped. You cannot go wrong here."  - Jim M

Office Hours



9:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 8:00 pm


7:45 am - 7:15 pm


8:30 am - 3:00 pm


10:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 8:00 pm
7:45 am - 7:15 pm
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Our Location

Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre