• A Healthy Backpack

    Another important wellness essential product is an ergonomically designed backpack. It is amazing how we can put thousands of pages of data onto a microchip smaller than the eye can see, yet kids are carrying backpacks that are heavier than ever filled with text books. Many schools are taking away kid's

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  • Keyboard & Mouse Pads

    Many computer keyboards now include wrist pads as standard accessories. There are, however, ways to upgrade and enjoy the benefits of a liquid filled or foam pad designed to comfortably support your wrists while typing and using your mouse. If you are using a computer regularly, these are worth the investment.

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  • Lumbar Support

    A support for your low back is essential to have in the chairs in which you will spend most of your time. Most furniture companies do not manufacture chairs that are actually healthy for you. Often they are hard rather than offering a cushioned seat, and the position of your spine is often very poor

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  • Monitor Arm

    First it was great when computer monitors went from taking up so much desk space to the new flat panels but they are still on the desk taking up space and don't have too many ways to adjust their position to best fit a person's work station. Humanscale, a leader in ergonomic office furniture, offers

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  • Orthotics

    Your feet are the base that your body stands on. If your feet are weak or have structural problems, this can lead to problems in your knees, hips and low back, and can even cause headaches. Many people wear orthotics because they are good for their feet, but orthotics are even more important for those

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  • Personal Trainer

    Another great way to get results is to make sure you are getting expert advice and supervision. A personal trainer is a great way to ensure that you are exercising safely and effectively to accomplish your goal. All exercise is not the same; some people want to build more muscle mass, some people want

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  • Love Others

    Although you may have never seen a doctor write a prescription for daily doses of "love," best selling authors such as Deepak Chopra M.D., Bernie Siegal M.D., and Dean Ornish M.D. all write about the healing properties of love. Dr. Ornish says, "love may be the greatest of all disease-fighters, and it's

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  • Osteoporosis

    Although most chiropractors don't directly treat Osteoporosis, chiropractic care directly addresses spinal misalignments, which in turn directly impact proper functioning of the nerve system.. Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease involving loss of bone tissue and the disorganization of bone structure.

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  • Auto Accidents

    Numerous studies have shown that years after auto accident victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been involved in a car accident, your injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of some

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  • The Quest for Strong Abs

    The abs rule. As a result of this not-so-subtle imperative, a flat abdominal musculature is one of the primary goals of all exercise programs. Flat abdominals have great aesthetic appeal, not only to the "owner" of those abs, but also to the person's spouse or partner. Of course, a flat abdominal musculature

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  • Osteoporosis: Not Just An Elderly Disease

    It used to be that osteoporosis was considered a disease that affected only the elderly. We particularly associated osteoporosis with older women whose backs were slightly hunched over or those who could no longer stand up straight. Today, the truth is that an estimated 20 million American

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  • Today's Fashion Can Be Tomorrow's Pain

    Looking your best might not always be the best thing for you. Today's society is extremely fashion and style conscious. Unfortunately, clothing designers and stylists aim to please by creating unique looks that might not always be practical or even comfortable. The look of the season

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