Automobile Injury

Car Accident Lately?

At Antioch Family Chiropractic We Specialize In handeling All Aspects Of Your Injury And Claim.

You Called the Right Place. Dr. Klinger Specializes In The Management of These Types of Injuries.

Research shows that even a fender bender can cause permanent pain, headaches, even arthritis by exerting literally tons of force to the neck and back. Many car accident victims worry more about their car then they do their health and their rights. If you have been involved in an auto accident call (925) 778-6655 and get checked today !!! Your future might depend on it.

These following pictures are X-rays taken from one of Dr. Klinger's patients after an automobile accident.
If you look at the first X-ray there has been a loss of the normal neck curve due to the forces of a 10 mph automobile accident.
With proper and specific chiropractic care at my office the curve is re-established avoiding significant degenerataive changes and perment symptoms.


This next X-ray demonstrates a permanent and progressive, degenerative change just 2 years after a low speed automobile accident.
Obviously, this patient did not receive chiropractic care after his collision. Notice the loss of curve, the narrowed spacing between the bones and the bone spurs.
This results in pain, stiffness, swelling, frequent headaches and other more serious problems.

DJD_Auto.jpgAt Antioch Family Chiropractic, we are very sensitive to the complications and serious changes involved with being in an automobile accident. Dr. Klinger specializes in the treatment of soft tissue injuries involving the spine; including the neck, mid back and low back, which happen during, and after, automobile accidents. Our staff is also very familiar with the paperwork and have answers to many of your questions. Remember, this is a time for you to heal well so you can put this behind you and we will do everything we can to help.

Mechanisms of injury have been well established during an automobile accident. "The forces involved easily damage the supporting structures of the spine. I have always gravitated towards mechanisms of injury probably because I am one of those who actually enjoy the physics involved. For 15 or more years I have studied the effects from automobile accidents and understand what it takes to heal well. I have been hired to testify in superior court as an expert witness and have lectured to Attorney's and Chiropractors and Doctors about the management of these types of injuries.

"Injuries to the spine are always significant and occur even in the low impact (8-15 mph) collisions. Under the right circumstance these lower speed collisions can be very damaging to the spine and result in permanent degenerative changes that become limiting later in life. I always strongly recommend that you get your spine checked after even a minor impact. It is not the pain involved but the healing that occurs after. If you heal well you can avoid problems later. If you heal poorly you can be sure that you will suffer from the effects later in life."

DON'T WAIT! Your health depends on you getting the right care at the right time. If you have been involved in an automobile accident call Antioch Family Chiropractic at (925) 778-6655 for an appointment TODAY!


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